News from Ulrich Puchala (Centauro-Line)


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A Fixture
Sep 19, 2005
Some new figures from Ulrich Puchala which will be released during the next month.

Number 1100 - C.S. von Stauffenberg. 1:16 scale, resin. Due in January 2009.
Number 1101 - Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein. 1:16 scale, resin. Due in March 2009.


5010 - Valkyrie Lady. 80mm, resin. Due in January 2009.

Ulrich (but not Puchala)


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I love Ulrich's figures, I've always been a fan. In terms of realism I think he's the best, the 1/32nd metal pilots he did years ago are still some of the best you can get.

Many figures you see in 1/16th get bogged down in adding excessive and chunky detail to the detriment of the overall look of the figure, resulting in them looking wooden and unrealistic. Ulrich's figures look like they have been captured in a snap shot, quite casual and very realistic. Everything looks scaled correctly. A black and white photo of a finished figure would probably make you do a doubletake.

I'd love to own a copy of every figure he's ever sculpted, and there's only one thing that stops me...the price!

I know,... 'good things don't come cheap'. But these are prehaps the most expensive 1/16th figures going. The 'Knights of the air' series are about £62 a figure, and the recent Franco-Prussian war figures range from £72 to £79 each (Redlancers website).

I know everyone has to make a living, and yes I do whinge about the price of most things (I don't earn a lot, have a baby daughter, the price of gas, etc). But it does seem alot.

Beautiful figures nonetheless!

I also admire the work of Puchala and have painted two of the 1/16th pilot figures.
I realy like the Von Stauffenburg figure(a politically-correct nazi-era German officer!)but did he not lose his Right arm in north Africa and not wear a prosthetic limb?
You are right. He lost his right hand, his left eye and two fingers of his left hand. I haven´t seen the figure in flesh, but Ulrich told me, that his figure is correct. Right hand = prothectic limp and left hand only 3 fingers and one only half.

BTW: If somebody want to contact Ulrich, please use following email-address: [email protected]

His internet side will be rebuild as the moment.

The valkyrie Lady is the best version of this woman i have seen so far. Much better than another one that was released a year ago or something by another company. The Staufenberg is also nice.
The Stauffenberg is a relatively nice figure. I particularly like him stopping to check his watch, indicating that he is probably at Wolfschanze. I think the decision to put his briefcase in his right hand is a flaw though (as grenadier notes above). I am fairly sure that he was fitted for a false right hand but never actually received it. Even if he had, given the prosthetics available in 1944, he would not be grasping a heavy bomb-laden briefcase with it.

Its a reasonable likeness and the Manstein is quite nice as well.

I'm sure Ulrich has done his research, .....his is after all one of the best in the business!

I haven't read up on the 1944 bomb plot so I can't comment about the accuracy, I will say, however, that anyone that does pass a comment bases it on historical evidence rather than Hollywood shite!

Perhaps that's too much to ask for from the 'eye patch' brigade!'

That was a bit snippy! You asked for evidence so here goes. Firstly, I don't think I quoted any Hollywood shite....although having seen Valkyrie, I would not classify this accurate film as such. I don't believe it has opened in the UK yet. When it does, give it a chance, its a well made and accurate film, seriously made.

I have more than 100 books on the German resistance and have had the advantage of corresponding with Stauffenberg's biographer, Peter Hoffmann, a Professor Emeritus at McGill University in Montreal. He passed a series of questions to Stauffenberg's widow Nina, who passed in 2006, to gather research when working on my own figure of Stauffenberg (I have done 3 to date and I do not claim that they are particularly good).

I also had an opportunity to pass some specific questions on Stauffenberg's dress and appearance on July 20 to Ewald Heinrich von Kleist, a Lt. who took part in the coup who was present at the Bendlerstrasse on that date and survived. I specifically asked if Stauffenberg wore his eye patch, a false right hand, the colour of his Waffenfarbe and other details such as awards worn. Kleist indicated that Claus did indeed wear his eye patch and did not have a prosthetic hand on July 20.

Hoffmann, in his bio of Stauffenberg, indicates that he deferred his scheduled operation on his forearm that was intended to prepare him for a prosthesis due to the pressures of preparing the conspiracy.

Jon - I suggest you start with Hoffmann if you choose to read something on this. BTW - Hoffmann was an unpaid consultant on the Hollywood shite.

The figure is well done and a good likeness. The right hand is unfortunately erroneous IMO. That does not make it a figure that is not worth having.

Colin (of the eye patch brigade).
OK Colin,

I'm currently eating a large humble pie! You obviously know your subject. So what colour was the waffenfarbe?

I'll scurry off now, with my tail between my legs!

No problem. You had the misfortune to hit my one area of obsessive interest - the German resistance against Hitler - and you weren't to know. And I could have been more polite. My apologies for any tone of condescension I may have brought across - not intentional.

For anyone doing a model of Claus, the following details may be of use:

Stauffenberg's waffenfarbe was carmine (close to a raspberry colour), as appropriate to a generalstabs offizier. There is a bit of controversy going on right now on another site I frequent re. his collar patches on July 20 - should the 2 piston bars be on a carmine ground or on a standard rifle green backing? The working conclusion is that the full dress unifrom required carmine and the field dress allowed the dark green.

Stauffenberg was known to be a bit of a sloppy dresser and there are photos of him showing him in a quite rumpled state with open tunic pockets etc. Given his personality, he probably thought such mundane concerns as buttoning tunic pockets to be unimportant. That would fit his contempt for form over substance.

Per Nina v. Stauffenberg he had dark brown hair and grey/blue eyes.

At Wolfschanze on July 20, he probably wore his glass eye in Hitler's presence. Kleist says he had the eye patch on later in the day upon his return to the Bendlerstrasse so he probably removed the glass eye as it it was likely not comfortable to wear, especially in high heat and humidity. The last photo taken of Stauffenberg, with Hitler, was taken July 15, 1944 at Wolfschanze on the day of the previous aborted assassination attempt. It seems clear from that photo that Stauffenberg wears no eye patch. He also has no pistol belt or officer's peaked cap. Once in Hitler's presence he would have been inside the inner security zone of Wolfschanze where such items would have been checked for later pick-up. On July 20, Stauffenberg left so quickly that he abandoned his cap and belt. This may have been an early indication of his guilt.

At Wolfschanze on July 20, he would have worn a minimum of awards - probably just his iron cross and gold wound badge and not his full ribbon bar or German Cross in Gold (aka Hitler's fried egg). His awards included:

Sword of Honor 17.08.1929
Distinguished Service Badge, IVth Class 02.10.1936
Distinguished Service Badge, IIIrd Class 01.04.1938
Iron Cross, Ist Class 31.05.1940
Royal Bulgarian Order of Bravery, IVth Class 25.10.1941
Finnish Liberty Cross, IIIrd Class 11.12.1942
Wound Badge in Gold 14.04.1943
German Cross in Gold 08.05.1943
Italian-German Rememberance Medal 20.04.1943

His ribbon bar would have included 2 Heer long service awards as well.

The July 15 photo shows no indication of the carmine staff stripes on his breeches so he probably wore standard officer's jods. Many photos of Stauffenberg show him wearing a field grey field blouse of lighter colour than his trousers so this is a subtlety that modellers may wish to pick up too.

Finally, it appears to me that the uniforms and awards for the various participants in the recent film Valkyrie are very accurate. With some compression of characters and events to allow the film to fit into the 2 hour time budget, the whole film is also an accurate renditon of the July plot and a homage to some very brave and mostly honourable men who have been largely ignored by history, particulalry here in North America.

If anyone wants more detail or suggestions for further reading, throw me a PM and I will try to help.



That's what I call research! This is really useful.

From my point of view research forms at least 50% of the enjoyment of this hobby. Last night I needed to sculpt some US gaiters for my latest project. After a couple of hours on the internet I felt confident that I could not only sculpt, but also correctly lace up and tie off a pair of 'Leggings, Dismounted M1938'! In fact sculpting them was the rubbish bit!

Any chance you could post some images of your Stauffenberg figures?

I will try to put a couple of pix on vbench later today if I recall how but they are incorrect as they were done prior to figuring all this stuff out. If I get motivated I might try another but I haven't done anything of late (i.e the last 3 years) due to modeller's block.



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