Ron Tamburrini
A Fixture
Thats what you get for eating in Edinburgh they don't like Weagies
without thinking things through?"
Wow the personal insults are really flying? ....Thanks for that Dimitry.
Pest control where the authorities are obliged to destroy a genuinely dangerous animal that poses a serious threat to life and limb is one thing, however killing creatures as capable of feeling and expressing fear and pain as you or I for 'sport' is quite another.
I have always said with these " sport hunters ", that NOT ONE would agree to a 'hunt' were these people invited to pay top money to go to a totally lawless country (take your pick of numerous around the world), local officials bribed to allow it and paid professional ex- soldiers/mercs/snipers stalked by these alleged "hunters" on a level playing field with total immunity from prosecution on BOTH sides. Now that would be a real challenge to a sport hunter; stalking a former SAS/SEAL/DELTA/FFL/GOLANI/SPETZNAZ/GSG 9 etc. veteran rather than blasting an animal from almost a mile away with a high velocity rifle whilst it was taking a piss or digesting a meal.
I am sure for the right money and legal immunity from prosecution that there would have no shortage of mercs or veterans prepared to participate in the venture but I do wonder how many "hunters" would agree to such voluntary participation where their life was at risk from a quarry (man) with the equal intelligence, ability and means to defend itself? I mean, come on guys, imagine being able to say to your pals whilst sinking a few beers down the local bar and thus proving ************, how you stalked, bettered and "took out" a SF vet rather than a half starved bear or similar that you blasted from the other side of the valley as it scavenged through someone's household waste........or shall we just play it 100% safe and stick with the dumb animals?
Ken I think when everyone gets cross eyed from painting they use these controversial subjects as some sort of relief ,i have noticed everyone has there computer next to the Work bench
I think Steve is's a few dead coyotes. Who cares. You want controversial? Here you go, dead Americans at Malmedy. Yeah, I went there; you guys wanna paint SS soldiers who've done far worse than any coyote, but it's okay to display them, right? But not a dead nuisance animal? And BTW, to refer to someone on here as a cretin is just plain wrong. That's a title I'd reserve for a captured Taliban, not a all total honesty,I never dreamt at all that some dead coyotes were so controversial. I had no idea. It was not that controversial of a pic for Pete's sake.
I like your style bro.I believe it would be best if everyone just went back to painting their figures of murders, killers, hunters, weapons and sexual assaulters and quit the insults.
There is a lot of things to consider in this matter, thats for sure.
As Gaudin heard there have been reports of problems here in Sweden. However there is a very loud minority that is against wolves. And both sides exaggerates and lies through their teeth. Additionally wolves are in many cases getting the blame for what lose running dogs do to live stock. Sadly the police is not batting down on those dogowners that are neglecting rules and comon sence, as they should. A difference is that rams and bulls are almost non existand within the herds, which otherwise would protect the herd. There are no shepdogs to protect the herd and as they are fenced in there is no escape once the predators are inside the fence.
There is however no recorded incident of wolves harming people at least 200 years back.
Janne Nilsson
Ken I think when everyone gets cross eyed from painting they use these controversial subjects as some sort of relief ,i have noticed everyone has there computer next to the Work bench
Because all the wolves in Sweden were killed approximately 200 years back.
Am I on the right website?
Thought this place was about modelling figures!!
It may surprise you, but - quote:
Miscellaneous and off-topic conversations go here. Be tasteful, rules apply here: e.g. no religion or politics.Seems like so far we managed to avoid religion and politics, its the tasteful bit is currently under scrutiny.I am starting to have a sneaky suspicion that some people use these discussions to artificially boost their "likes" ratings