One Nice Thing About Winter...


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Well. So nice to come in when rage has fizzled out and people started (?) it seems, listening to each other with some modecum of respect.

I watched Steven Fry travel America when he came across a farmers somewhere that slept with rifle because of wolfes that were introduced to National Park next door. They shown pictures of disembowelled cows and 4-5 of their lovely dogs (that's a nod towards Keith statement). Would I kill wolfes if I was them - yes, damn yes! And I am with Steve (sd) on this one.
And its a huge difference between having to kill and having hard on from killing.

When I watch wolves in their habitat, knowing how much suffering they endure from braconiers, poachers and rednecks - I am with wolves (and Keith of course, I got a husky, I love canines)
It is a growing problem in Sweden I have heard on BBC 4 where wolves are re- introduced and farmers are now suffering. As long as there is no human casualties, government will do fk all.

Both arguments are true and valid and CONTENT / SITUATION specific.
Now, I dont give a monkey which side is right right now, also haven't seen the image but kinda easy to guess.

But shall we (as a forum community) at least learn not to take it personally and not to escalate into abuse without thinking things through?
Well. So nice to come in when rage has fizzled out and people started (?) it seems, listening to each other with some modecum of respect.

I watched Steven Fry travel America when he came across a farmers somewhere that slept with rifle because of wolfes that were introduced to National Park next door. They shown pictures of disembowelled cows and 4-5 of their lovely dogs (that's a nod towards Keith statement). Would I kill wolfes if I was them - yes, damn yes! And I am with Steve (sd) on this one.
And its a huge difference between having to kill and having hard on from killing.

When I watch wolves in their habitat, knowing how much suffering they endure from braconiers, poachers and rednecks - I am with wolves (and Keith of course, I got a husky, I love canines)
It is a growing problem in Sweden I have heard on BBC 4 where wolves are re- introduced and farmers are now suffering. As long as there is no human casualties, government will do fk all.

Both arguments are true and valid and CONTENT / SITUATION specific.
Now, I dont give a monkey which side is right right now, also haven't seen the image but kinda easy to guess.

But shall we (as a forum community) at least learn not to take it personally and not to escalate into abuse without thinking things through?

Tried hard to stay out of this one but have failed:sorry:
You make some good sense Gaudin as on the internet some people tend to shoot from the hip "no pun intended" I have been guilty of this in the past also.

In Scotland foxes get blamed a lot for attacking lambs in the spring but the truth of the matter is if the Ewe is fit it can ward off a fox no problem, predators tend to
attack the weak and lame before going after a fit animal this is also true in humans ,if you look tough most of the human scum will leave you alone also.
off course there will be exceptions in all species . so I am sitting on the Dyke on this one:)

"But shall we (as a forum community) at least learn not to take it personally and not to escalate into abuse without thinking things through?"

Wow the personal insults are really flying? ....Thanks for that Dimitry.
without thinking things through?"

Wow the personal insults are really flying? ....Thanks for that Dimitry.

I am not sure what you mean, Keith. At no point I am singling you out apart from supporting your view.

I sincerely doubt that you, sd and a few other people came out of this discussion feeling happy or content. Your reaction suggested that you did take it very personally - and I think you have every right to be upset and offended, and you cant change what other people do.

May be a subject like this shouldn't have been posted at all and recently the lounge turned into something a bit different. May be moderators should invigilate things a little tighter.

I am just calling for everyone to remember why we come to this forum and not to bite into trolling, whether it is intentional or accidental.
I have also tried to keep out of this one but finally had to say my bit. When I lived in the UK I used to shoot rabbits. I did not use a shotgun where I could blast a whole family of bunnies but used an air rifle where a clean head shot was the way to go, at least it gave them a bit of a chance. All kill was eaten (not blown to bits like a shotgun). Only shot adults. If a farmer had a problem with rabbits then would do a bit of a cull. Went out with a party of shotgun fanatics once and was appalled by the wonton destruction caused so gave up shooting. Now I do not have a problem with farmers protecting their lively hood but mass destruction for the sake of it and leaving rotting carcases all over the place I just do not get. There is an issue in the UK at the moment with a Badger cull because they are (allegedly) spreading bovine TB. So the government want to kill them off by licencing wholesale open shooting of a creature that was until recently a protected species in the UK. And that is despite organizations prepared to capture and vaccinate the badgers thus preserving the balance of the countryside. I don't get it. I did not see the original picture which was obviously removed very quickly but have to ask the question what the hell had it to do with a modelling forum anyway. Maybe the circumstances surrounding the kill was justified but not to bring the issue up here. Maybe the personal abuse was not acceptable but surely it was pretty obvious that the subject matter was going to cause controversy and now its taken up four pages of a forum that has nothing to do with the subject matter.
Ken I think when everyone gets cross eyed from painting they use these controversial subjects as some sort of relief ,i have noticed everyone has there computer next to the Work bench:whistle:
There is a lot of things to consider in this matter, thats for sure.

As Gaudin heard there have been reports of problems here in Sweden. However there is a very loud minority that is against wolves. And both sides exaggerates and lies through their teeth. Additionally wolves are in many cases getting the blame for what lose running dogs do to live stock. Sadly the police is not batting down on those dogowners that are neglecting rules and comon sence, as they should. A difference is that rams and bulls are almost non existand within the herds, which otherwise would protect the herd. There are no shepdogs to protect the herd and as they are fenced in there is no escape once the predators are inside the fence.

There is however no recorded incident of wolves harming people at least 200 years back.

Janne Nilsson
Pest control where the authorities are obliged to destroy a genuinely dangerous animal that poses a serious threat to life and limb is one thing, however killing creatures as capable of feeling and expressing fear and pain as you or I for 'sport' is quite another.

I have always said with these " sport hunters ", that NOT ONE would agree to a 'hunt' were these people invited to pay top money to go to a totally lawless country (take your pick of numerous around the world), local officials bribed to allow it and paid professional ex- soldiers/mercs/snipers stalked by these alleged "hunters" on a level playing field with total immunity from prosecution on BOTH sides. Now that would be a real challenge to a sport hunter; stalking a former SAS/SEAL/DELTA/FFL/GOLANI/SPETZNAZ/GSG 9 etc. veteran rather than blasting an animal from almost a mile away with a high velocity rifle whilst it was taking a piss or digesting a meal.

I am sure for the right money and legal immunity from prosecution that there would have no shortage of mercs or veterans prepared to participate in the venture but I do wonder how many "hunters" would agree to such voluntary participation where their life was at risk from a quarry (man) with the equal intelligence, ability and means to defend itself? I mean, come on guys, imagine being able to say to your pals whilst sinking a few beers down the local bar and thus proving your manhood, how you stalked, bettered and "took out" a SF vet rather than a half starved bear or similar that you blasted from the other side of the valley as it scavenged through someone's household waste........or shall we just play it 100% safe and stick with the dumb animals?


Sorry I'm late to check back in,been out hunting all day. ;) The above quote has to be one of the coolest/strangest posts yet. Well done Sir. You are allowed your opinion on hunting,but you do not understand,and that is cool too. My dog loves to go with me.

Ken I think when everyone gets cross eyed from painting they use these controversial subjects as some sort of relief ,i have noticed everyone has there computer next to the Work bench:whistle: all total honesty,I never dreamt at all that some dead coyotes were so controversial. I had no idea. It was not that controversial of a pic for Pete's sake.
sd0324 If you honestly did not believe putting a picture of dead coyotes on a international modelling forum was going to be controversial then you are either a liar or a moron. I actually think the latter and all your comments deserve to be treated with contempt. Some people on here have actually been very supportive of hunting to protect the farmers lands but you have mocked everyone. Go play with your guns you cretin. I think it is about time that the mods did something about this thread as it has nothing to do with my hobby
sd0324 If you honestly did not believe putting a picture of dead coyotes on a international modelling forum was going to be controversial then you are either a liar or a moron. I actually think the latter and all your comments deserve to be treated with contempt. Some people on here have actually been very supportive of hunting to protect the farmers lands but you have mocked everyone. Go play with your guns you cretin. I think it is about time that the mods did something about this thread as it has nothing to do with my hobby

Not a liar,probably a moron. Sorry you are so offended. Never been called a cretin,....Now, I do not "play" with guns. Never,not at all. all total honesty,I never dreamt at all that some dead coyotes were so controversial. I had no idea. It was not that controversial of a pic for Pete's sake.
I think Steve is's a few dead coyotes. Who cares. You want controversial? Here you go, dead Americans at Malmedy. Yeah, I went there; you guys wanna paint SS soldiers who've done far worse than any coyote, but it's okay to display them, right? But not a dead nuisance animal? And BTW, to refer to someone on here as a cretin is just plain wrong. That's a title I'd reserve for a captured Taliban, not a modeler.
And yet the insults and puerile abuse still fly! Extraordinary...I'd like to just add my last contribution here.
It's still being stated over and over that the subject matter was inappropriate because it had nothing to do with modelling...It's a Lounge forum for topics unrelated to modelling.
That can't be a difficult concept to grasp.That picture may still have been inappropriate for the Lounge forum, I don't know I didn't see it, but it's still a forum for non modelling topics, and yet some are claiming the picture was inappropriate because it had nothing to do their hobby. Anyone who is upset by non modelling topics really aren't obliged to view or comment here so they should avoid it.
I think personal abuse in this situation is totally out of order and totally unnecessary to make your point and express your opinion on the matter.
I believe it would be best if everyone just went back to painting their figures of murders, killers, hunters, weapons and sexual assaulters and quit the insults.
I have always said with these " sport hunters ", that NOT ONE would agree to a 'hunt' were these people invited to pay top money to go to a totally lawless country (take your pick of numerous around the world), local officials bribed to allow it and paid professional ex- soldiers/mercs/snipers stalked by these alleged "hunters" on a level playing field with total immunity from prosecution on BOTH sides.

I believe this scenario of Government sanctioned, armed men stalking and killing each other wouldn't be classified as sport... I think the common term for this activity is WAR.
Personally, i like to target shoot, would bear arms in service of my country and God help Bambi if he busted down my door and threatened my family.... Beyond that I get my meat at the butcher's and if I need to blow off steam, I go to the local Biker Bar and knock someone's beer over and see where that takes us :blackeye:
Remember Kids: Opinions are like assholes... everybody has one, and they're generally best kept to one's self ;)

This whole thing got really emotional really fast :sour:

I believe this scenario of Government sanctioned, armed men stalking and killing each other wouldn't be classified as sport... I think the common term for this activity is WAR.
Personally, i like to target shoot, would bear arms in service of my country and God help Bambi if he busted down my door and threatened my family.... Beyond that I get my meat at the butcher's and if I need to blow off steam, I go to the local Biker Bar and knock someone's beer over and see where that takes us :blackeye:
Remember Kids: Opinions are like assholes... everybody has one, and they're generally best kept to one's self ;)

This whole thing got really emotional really fast :sour:


Now I like you also,after some beers and some Motorhead we may get along famously, or possibly be a toxic combination.
I have also tried to keep out of this one but finally had to say my bit. When I lived in the UK I used to shoot rabbits. I did not use a shotgun where I could blast a whole family of bunnies but used an air rifle where a clean head shot was the way to go, at least it gave them a bit of a chance. All kill was eaten (not blown to bits like a shotgun). Only shot adults. If a farmer had a problem with rabbits then would do a bit of a cull. Went out with a party of shotgun fanatics once and was appalled by the wonton destruction caused so gave up shooting. Now I do not have a problem with farmers protecting their lively hood but mass destruction for the sake of it and leaving rotting carcases all over the place I just do not get. There is an issue in the UK at the moment with a Badger cull because they are (allegedly) spreading bovine TB. So the government want to kill them off by licencing wholesale open shooting of a creature that was until recently a protected species in the UK. And that is despite organizations prepared to capture and vaccinate the badgers thus preserving the balance of the countryside. I don't get it. I did not see the original picture which was obviously removed very quickly but have to ask the question what the hell had it to do with a modelling forum anyway. Maybe the circumstances surrounding the kill was justified but not to bring the issue up here. Maybe the personal abuse was not acceptable but surely it was pretty obvious that the subject matter was going to cause controversy and now its taken up four pages of a forum that has nothing to do with the subject matter.

And who pays for this? The Taxpayers? again...sometimes things just get silly and horribly expensive. Really? Badger vaccination programs so as not to upset the balance of nature...come on. You cannot be serious...
There is a lot of things to consider in this matter, thats for sure.

As Gaudin heard there have been reports of problems here in Sweden. However there is a very loud minority that is against wolves. And both sides exaggerates and lies through their teeth. Additionally wolves are in many cases getting the blame for what lose running dogs do to live stock. Sadly the police is not batting down on those dogowners that are neglecting rules and comon sence, as they should. A difference is that rams and bulls are almost non existand within the herds, which otherwise would protect the herd. There are no shepdogs to protect the herd and as they are fenced in there is no escape once the predators are inside the fence.

There is however no recorded incident of wolves harming people at least 200 years back.

Janne Nilsson

Because all the wolves in Sweden were killed approximately 200 years back.
Ken I think when everyone gets cross eyed from painting they use these controversial subjects as some sort of relief ,i have noticed everyone has there computer next to the Work bench:whistle:

Also amusing that one gets excoriated for a pic of dead vermin,while meanwhile,over on the new release page a bust of a man holding up a poor dead rat (much like a Coyote is compared to here) that did nothing but try to subsist,whilst holding a mean Terrier killer is applauded as a great bust. ( I am gonna paint one)