Poll: Average age of planeteers


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Average age of planeteers

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bored so I though I would answer...but to be honest you need a category between "Just married. I guess my modelling times are over, but love is above all else" and "seriously thinking to get divorced, quit this expensive hobby and buy a Harley-Davidson".....how about...already bought the bike so I can go more easily and quicker to the model shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bored so I though I would answer...but to be honest you need a category between "Just married. I guess my modelling times are over, but love is above all else" and "seriously thinking to get divorced, quit this expensive hobby and buy a Harley-Davidson".....how about...already bought the bike so I can go more easily and quicker to the model shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huge mislead considering that this is exactly my case!!
I'm 56 - can't believe I have been in and out of this hobby for 45 yrs.!! OH - the memories!!! By the looks of just today's "new" releases - more to me from me presents!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! Dave
I`m 46 modelling is my way of coping with mental illness my wife and kids fully support what I do the whole house is full of models I suppose not many wives or girlfriends would allow this did I say I was 46;)
- Sometimes I already start getting bad memories about Agincourt... I´m 49 - modelling has been a hobby since I opened the first box of Airfix soldiers (WW1 Germans:happy: ). The job keeps me currently away from several projects but it`s still fun to see what`s going on over here. Becoming a grandpa next year:unsure: - so there will be some support coming up to get my projects done:).
11-39. Age and minis painted so far. Or is it the other way around? Oh, whatever.
45- and a Grandpa. Yes, me and the mrs. didn't waste any time:sneaky: . The plus side is that the kids have been gone and its just her and her garden and me and my addiction to resin and white metal. Its either this or golf and that's just silly:hilarious:
52 years old, 7x shirts, size 32 Y fronts, Wife, three kids, dog, cat, bird, and a mortgage big enough to be seen from the international space station.
Painted my first figures at age 10, and just as with Martin they were the Airfix 72scale WW1 Germans. I remember painting the faces and hands with Humbrol Flesh and hat bands and epaulettes with Humbrol Red and left the rest unpainted.....Top job.

The oldest figure I still have is a conversion of the Airfix 54mm ECW mounted cavalier into a French fur trapper I did when I was sweet sixteen.~

my figures 013.jpg

For some reason I thought a blue horse was a good idea!
Painted my first figures at age 10, and just as with Martin they were the Airfix 72scale WW1 Germans. I remember painting the faces and hands with Humbrol Flesh and hat bands and epaulettes with Humbrol Red and left the rest unpainted.....Top job.

The oldest figure I still have is a conversion of the Airfix 54mm ECW mounted cavalier into a French fur trapper I did when I was sweet sixteen.~

View attachment 144837

For some reason I thought a blue horse was a good idea!

Great memories.... like you I saved some of my early projects. The Airfix WW 1-Germans were painted with Humbrols (eyes with the tip of a needle - hard to do even back then) and the officer was my first conversion because I liked him to lead from the front.

Cheers, Martin
As Derek so kindly mentioned my age I was wondering if i'm the oldest painter in the hobby who can still compete at Euro and other shows fairly successful?? I'm 66 yrs old and been in the hobby approx. 30 years.
I'm 51 been involved with figures/modelmaking since I was kid. Trained as a professional model maker when I left school and worked for companies such as AGM and Piper Models. Freelanced for many years after. Took time out in the 80's (served with Berkshire Ambulance). Only came back to figurative work this past three years.

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