Poste-militaire Vs Pegaso! (old Vs New)


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Just had a look Steve, nice one for link. Had forgotten they took over the moulds for PM. Sent Paul an e-mail for more info. Fingers crossed.


Thanks for link Steve, had forgotten they took over the PM moulds. E-mailed Paul for more info. Fingers crossed, I may yet get to do that 90mm mounted at a great price.
Ron, Another P/M, Mounted 'Dragoon', has come up on E-Bay! Currently $26.00 (Pounds), still 4 days left to run on it. Just in case your interested.

Thanks Mark. Have been scanning Bonapartes site and am torn between a number of choices at the moment. Guess thats part of the fun though. Have to say the topic you raised has been very insightful and inspiring.


Quite fancy H1 (Bare Horse), because it has seperate mane, tail and forelock, so I can replace them with real hair. Paired with GH-1 (Garde D'Honneur Trooper) for a nice vignette. Then again, FTH-2 is appealing for its choice of regiments.


Oooh! The 'Bare horse', is a new one! that wasn't there last week. So a new addittion... The 'Hussar' Trooper, was one I was looking at. But plumped for, MFL-1. A bit more dynamic. So you are going to be busy for a while with that little lot!... Saying that there is a singular P/M Horse also on ebay at, 6.99. Have contacted the seller to confirm that it is P/M. Maybe something to keep in mind. But what about the saddle and tack?
Good choice mate and your right about the dynamism. All I have to do now is make the decision between vignette or mounted and hit the pay button. Will let you know soon.


Ron, If you require, some bits! such as Tack! and a Saddle! (Both require some repair)... I will gladly forward then on. I very much doubt, I will use them. They where included, as extras from an ebay purchase! Both are P/M.
An interesting thread this......just a few observations as most has been said already,
1) I have seen a number of Collapsed PM Horses over the years both Rearing horses which no longer rear and Dragoon Horses that have gone sideways!
2) Our friends in Kent have reduced their prices recently I hope through reduced the Petrol Companies they were quick to increase them when the £ sunk against the Euro and have for months have been trading at a ratio of 1:1 rather than 1:120+ Perhaps they think they can get away with it or the business is just not being properly managed?
3) Many of the smaller manufacturers trade because they enjoy the hobby, they work on low overheads comparatively low volumes and Marketing costs are kept to a minimum.
4) In contrast , Pegaso who employ staff, have a substantial stand at most major events, huge product range, use world renowned Sculptors and Painters, Produce substantial Packaging with great box art...and to the best of my knowledge it's their living. Their distribution is also via wholesalers such as Historex who obviously enjoy substantial discounts. In spite of their size and volumes I have to say that I have rejected kits from smaller manufacturers which were of very poor casting the comparison really fair?
5) I find that most traders will let you inspect kits at shows and will exchange any faulty or damaged kits bought on there really a problem?

Just my 5 pence worth in defence of this great hobby................Keith
After all these years, PM is still the best. Their castings are Detail, Crisp and fit Perfectly.
I find this thread quite interesting. Of course one must keep in mind that 'interesting' is the way one describes an ugly baby.
Most of the comments I've read so far seem to be fondly recalling the glory days of flawless casting. But no-one yet has mentioned that the figures that were flawlessly cast were not particularly well sculpted compared to today's standard, which luckily for all of us improves daily it seems. But that's ok because it was early days of the wonderful sculpting we have now.
I get an image in mind of a group of old chaps with crocheted rugs over their knees discussing the casting of old figures and saying "if you tell the young'ins that these days they look at you like you're talking another language."
Does anyone really believe that they would willingly exchange the brilliantly sculpted pieces available today from companies like Pegaso for the perfectly fitting limited range of old? It doesn't worry me if I have to fill or file or cut and shove. It's all part of figure building.
I have old Ray Lamb figures and Pegaso figures that I consider some of my very best, but I find no contradiction in appreciating them for totally different artistic values.
To me the most valuable figure manufacturer is the one which can currently supply the market with the very best of what the worlds best miniature sculptors have to offer regardless of how much effort I might have to put in to complete the kit.
Elegantly put keith,, couldnt have said it better.

I find this thread of one company v another disturbing. How can you compare the 2 when one is no longer in existence.

Both companys are great , they sit at the pinnacle of the hobby but all I hear is a good old whinge of how bad pegaso are and how great poste militaire was.

It seams a fond tradition of us English to lament and unfortunately whinge at anything... maybe its the bad weather or the recession but it seams to be at fever pitch with this one.

Back to the grind

Not sure I fit the image of an "old chap with a crocheted rug over my knee" just yet, but are we not entitled to expect a kit we do not have to re-engineer for such high prices. I for one don't enjoy the preparation of metal kits and never have. Perhaps that is why I remember older kits so fondly. I agree that choice was much more limited back then, also that there were bad castings around but, in the main, value for money was perceptabily higher then also. No matter how brilliant the original sculpt may be, it is worthless if the casting is bad. As for comparing two companies when one is no longer in existence, how is that any different to saying Fangio was a better driver than Schumacher. We all have a choice at the end of the day, buy or don't buy but, once we choose and part with the money, do we not have the right to have our expectations met. Personally, I would choose a perfectly fitting kit over a brilliantly sculpted piece that I have to re-engineer before I can enjoy what I purchased it for, the pleasure of painting it.
No offence is meant with any of my comments above.

This term Value for money is cropping up a lot lately.

If you all understood the costs involved to produce a figure to market and distribute it you would see that you do get value for money.

Yes it is frustrating to get a poor fit but it happens with every kit no matter what its cast in or cast by.

Isnt it part of modelling to resolve this. If its bad then contact the manufacturer, they will probably refund you or send a replacement.

It seams you dont like paying more and having to do some modelling.

If its cheap then thats fine.

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No offence is meant with any of my comments above.


Geez Ron, can't take offence at any of that. Quite the contrary, I appreciate your opinion and I find it great to hear what you've got to say about this topic. You see it differently to me but I'm still interested to hear what you have to say.....BUT when it comes to drivers I'm afraid Jack Brabham was a better driver than Fangio and Schumacher combined!!...:)(y)
Keith, Bullet point-4+5, is probably what is at the 'Crux', of this matter. Pegaso With all their overheads, ad's, packaging, box art, etc! Agreed a huge, and profitable company. But with such a worldwide reputation! Do you think a little more investment, could/should, be made on replacement moulds, materials, and Q/Control. As you have said their are going to be some 'Duff', castings from all manufactures, big or small. However! it does all come down to the price an individual has to pay... But this is part of my original question, Why? do I pay twice as much for a, Modern 2012, 'Pegaso', figure! than I pay for an 80's P/M figure, Yet the sculpting, and casting, of the latter seems much more advanced, than the former? .... It just seems a bit backwards.

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