I picked up this project again. Not my fault, my client let me do something else first
Anyway, there's no way I'm gonna rush this. I follow the initial idea to make the most detailed Predator ever...in Belgium.
I took some more close-ups while I'm working on it (not easy). The baking is set for next week.
Thx for looking.
A good day today. I pulled the first casting of the head and it came out great. Some minor problems wich I had expected, like a few holes coming out closed because the mould has an airpocket there. It's just a matter of drilling them back out. The cast itself has...zero airpockets. This casting was ment to clean up the mould befor I pull the new master out. It will serve to continue the bust and later the full figure. I also have to finish the mandibles. This first casting will be made for hanging on a wall. Omg, a giant Horror Head. :mrgreen:
I was wondering where you were at with this master piece, its looking great and very well detailed indeed. Its a great casting for this scale, looks like no mould lines or anything. Its going to look great painted up
Because I've had little time to continue the paint test, I passed the head to my best friend Patrick Ceunen from Patmodelkits. I think he did an outstanding job here.
This wall version should've been finished, but I had some issues with to heavy dreadlocks. I'm working on that problem now.
Lookin Great!!! I am painting a Predator now (1/6), lottsa fun with all the dots, they say its one of the most difficult paint jobs to get right, I would probably have to agree.
Cant wait to see him with his dreads