question about British WO I uniforms


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A Fixture
Jun 29, 2006
Does anybody know a link where I can find something about British officer uniforms especially their sleeves.
Watching movies and series, I notice that lieutenants and captains have their rank also vissible on their sleeves. I wonder if this was for all officers (so a crown for a major etc..)?
Hi Patrick,

My best guess is that you are referring to the overseas service chevrons worn on the lower right hand sleeve of all British and Commonwealth Officers and soldiers during World War One.

These chevrons signify the years of service in the Army since enlistment, with a red chevron for those who joined up in 1914 and blue chevrons above for each subsequent year.

If you have a picture of the chevrons you are refering to, I'm sure someone can give you a more definitive answer.
that's not it
you can clearly see it in episodes like Blackadder where rowan atkinson has three 'stars' on his sleeves (captain) and hugh Laurie two (lieutenant). I think it's only worn on their servicedress.
Ah yes, these are the badges of rank for junior officers (subalterns and captains) in the British Army. As far as I know, majors and more senior officers wore their badges of rank on their epaulettes.

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