Royal Naval Commando-ww2?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2006
brooklyn, new york,usa
I will starting my minor conversion but I am not sure which figure to use Masterbox set of British called Market Garden because it has a figure that I can use for or Dragon figure set called Allied Force-ETO-1944 and I do have both the head and the sniper rifle for it but I do not know which to use can anybody help me with this?
The Market Garden set I would imagine will be Paras if that is the case you'll need more to convert those uniform wise than if the other are regular infantry figures
I think RM commandos,certainly from D-day onwards,wore Denison smocks over battle dress with either the beret or tin hat and 37 pattern webbing so Market-Garden paras should be ok.The Thompson seems to have been preferred over the Sten but otherwise the same personal weapons. There's an excellent book "D-Day Commando" following 48 RM Commando from Overlord to the end of the war with lots of lovely pictures.
PS Masterbox and Bronco have some very good para figures-ripe for conversion.
Don't forget the combined ops badge, remove the DZ patch, and add a toggle rope either on the bergen or around the neck or entrenching tool. But if you give him the commando bergen, you can relocate the small pack to the left hip forward of the bayonet scabbard unless you sculpt him a sykes fairburn fighting knife into the trouser pocket on the right thigh.
If he's coming ashore on D-day, obviously you'll lose the dennison and add the inflateable life preserver at the waist.
Is he a motarman or any other speciality?
Don't forget the bren pouches if he's carrying one, or if he's a rifleman you could slide a 3" mortar under the bergen flap.
Is he carrying a folding bike?
Sounds exciting
I'm not sure if this is a useful forum or not.A genuine question deserves a helpful answer rather than a mickey take but I might be wrong.
I think RM commandos,

Leaving this here in case others look this old thread up later. The OP asked about WW2 Royal Naval Commandos, not Royal Marine Commandos. Standard Khaki BD and 37 patt fighting order, with RN rank badges and shoulder flashes, Mk II steel helmet, caps comforter or ratings hat. RN issue weapons like No. 1 rifles and Lanchester machine carbines, even in 1944. Tough, brave guys who are almost forgotten now. Has any figure manufacturer ever made a model of one?

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