Hi Derek,you are a skinflint(or a scotsmanBrilliant.....If it was a kit I'd sell one of my wives to get one......in fact I'd sell two.
I've got a horrible feeling it's a one off.
Great realisation of your concept Sergey.
Hi Derek,you are a skinflint(or a scotsman),three soldiers for the price of two women,that´s a bad exchange for the seller!
Soso,from Glasgow.I ever thought,that men from there are happy when they get a woman anywayNot at all......one of them has dissociative identity disorder.
And yes I'm a Scotsman from Glasgow, the friendliest, most open and generous people on earth...........you're thinking about Aberdonians, you know the guys who give their sons empty boxes at christmas and tell them its an Action Man Deserters Kit.
Derek View attachment 129310