WIP "The Wounded Ally" 17th Lancer 1879


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A Fixture
Jan 12, 2011
British West Hartlepool
Hi All,
This is the first piece I have made this year besides putting Hawk Miniatures Artillery figure together. This is something I always wanted to make and the inspiration for this was taken from Alphonse De Neuville wonderful painting "The Wounded Ally". Not my usual scale to work in as it's 54mm, still some horse tack to make, but glad the tools are wielding again. This will also be my first venture into doing a water effect.
The scene depicts a trooper of the 17th Lancer's tending to his wounded horses leg. As usual all comments, help, pointers and sarcasm totally welcome.


Hi Carl,
Thank you mate, just need to get the brushes out now. I take my hat off to these sculptors who do 54mm continuously. Making and fitting tunic button in 54mm is a scream literally.
Love the pose, but the colours look a bit 'greyed out' might need to brighten them up a tad ;):D

(Fabulous really Ritchie - can't wait to see it all finished)
Hi Richie ,

Good to see you with the tools out ...what a return , great composition , looks like a lot of legs there though ......lol

Looking forward to seeing paint appear

Thanks for sharing

absolutely beautiful. I wish there were more figures of the 17th lancers with mounts out there. Sadly all you ever see are parade type single figures. Thanks for sharing .
Hi All,
Apologies for the late reply, just got back from club night and was busy earlier putting the Naval Brigade figure together.

Hi Paul,
Thank you, not as much grey as my Pinned Like Rats dio.:)

Hi Kev,
Thank you, not as many legs as my Pinned Like Rats dio.;)

Hi Brian,
Thank you for looking in mate.

Hi Keith,
Thank you, hopefully finished for the White Rose.

Hi Bob,
Thank you, glad you are following.

Hi Rich,
Thank you, you can always tell you old Airfix modellers nothing gets passed you, the horse is converted from the Life Guard horse.

Hi Dewi,
Thank you, I thought you might like this one mate, I did think of making it in 120mm scale.

Hi John,
Thank you, glad you are along mate.

Hi Grant,
Thank you, always nice to come North of the border, good to see you again, see you in the near future mate.

Hi Mike,
Thank you, I thought I would leave the head looking at the wound, but it does has a greater bond if he's looking at the horses face. I will have another look at it and see if I can do it within the given space and proximity.

Hi Mike,
Thank you, glad you like this one, I also have another planned which will be even more emotive if I can pull it off.

Hi Cris,
Firstly welcome aboard, hope you are enjoying your time on here. Thank you for chipping in, there are not enough Zulu war figures for me full stop, but there again I'm totally biased. Mounted figures for this conflict are scarce whether it be Lancer's, Dragoon's, Mounted Infantry, Boers or all of the Colonial Regiments.

Hi Gordon,
Thank you, glad you looked in mate, fancy a future release in 120mm;)

Hey Richie good to see you doing something again mate and what a great comeback, excellent idea for a figure and well put together mate. I agree this would make for a great 1/16 figure.
Will be watching (y)

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