WIP "Tusker"


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Hi Ron

The start on the figure really is bringing out the excellent details

Look forward to seeing more

Just a couple of questions ........

.......how long do you paint in new session or do you aim to finish one particular area ?


I am not sure exactly what your asking mate...so if my answer is wide of the mark please ask again.
My sessions are not limited in time...indeed...I have been known to start painting in the afternoon and continue through the night into the following morning!
Because my technique is based on 'layers' it is difficult to say I work to complete a given area....rather...if for instance I am doing a scrub coat...I make sure all the relevant pieces that require it are done and thinned back...simply so that all these pieces look exactly the same in shade and contrast....which also means they will be dry and ready at the same time for the next step.
As an example...below are a couple of quick pics of the flesh tone parts having been scrubbed and thinned back.


Hope this helps answer your questions Nap.

In the name of the wee man I have just caught up with this Ron .
Looks a superb casting indeed and a piece that suits your unique style of panting ,shield looks amazing as does the rest so far.
Looking forward to your handling of the body armour.

In the name of the wee man I have just caught up with this Ron .
Looks a superb casting indeed and a piece that suits your unique style of panting ,shield looks amazing as does the rest so far.
Looking forward to your handling of the body armour.


Many thanks for comment mate...good to have you along :)
Hoping to have an update over the weekend ;)


Ron C
Despite my computers best efforts to prevent me updating this thread....I have finally managed to put together this update.
Torso is now finished and...along with the dagger/sword and shield...I have only a few last details to finalise on these pieces.


to be continued......
Whilst working on the torso....I have also been making progress on the flesh areas.
What you see below are the three layers of transparent colours that make up the base flesh tones.
I am not a 'high' contrast painter....so the flesh may appear a little subtle to some....but I much prefer the casting to reflect the shadows and hi lites....just my personal style.
I have yet to finish details such as the mouth/eyes/hair/toe and fingernails...along with veins and callouses on the knees and feet etc....also I have yet to finish the wood on the spear/hook along with the metals.


Hope you like the progress so far.

to be continued.........
The skin is just right..notwithstanding popular affectations as to how miniatures should look..the more muted effects of transparent oils and your personal style is more in keeping with scale effects and reality
As an aside, in oils there are synthetic earth oxides in transparent colours that align with most traditional natural earths..the siennas etc..with these, some trans white, some opaque bits can get the same flesh yet have thin paint films..as so deftly executed by Ron
There is absolutely nothing wrong with those flesh tones, in fact the limbs have that essence of being real, not an easy thing to achieve. I look forward to seeing more with the head.
I didn’t realise that the tunic was textured. You’ve done another great job with it, a lovely job on the leathers.

The skin is just right..notwithstanding popular affectations as to how miniatures should look..the more muted effects of transparent oils and your personal style is more in keeping with scale effects and reality

Thank you for your comments....and yes...as you will know by now...I much prefer working with transparent oils....in the main for their subtle rendering of hues and shades.

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