Thanks my friend, means a lot!
The large scar is sulpted in the cheekbone; the smaller one near the right eye I painted in. I used a lil of rose red, and earth red mixed with burnt umber to get the scar tone. It's close to a violet, but not that deep (does that make sense?)
The flesh tone I used is oils over acrylics. I undercoated with Vallejo sunny skin tone with a lil yellow ochre. The oil base is:
Mars Brown + Cadium Red + Cad Yellow Med + Zinc White. To the base I added a little flesh ochre (got this tip from Lou; what a GOD!).
For the shadows, I added to the base:
Cad Red + Mars Brown; for the deepest creases, I added to the shadow mix a lil Burnt Umber.
For the highlights I added to the base:
Juanne Brilliant + Zinc White; for the highest highlights, I am looking to use titanium white to bring out the "hot spots" on the face.
Does that help Petey?
Thanks, I'll have the highest highlights in the week, and post the updated pic this weekend.
Hope all is well my friends...take care
All the best