WIP W01 (GSM) Billy Mott ...Let the rework/painting etc begins!!!!


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Hi Kevin,
I have an infantry sword and belt with slings. I am off out now till closing time but I will get something to you tomorrow if thats OK.
All the very best,
Hi Kevin,
Here are a few pictures for you to see how the sword belt works, I hope it works for you.
The shorter sling is 1' long and the longer sling is 2'4", this does not include the pointed ends of the slings or the loop over the belt.
Please shout if there are any bits that are not clear to you.
All the best,

Hi Guys ,

A couple of update pictures ...coming together now ...still to put the clasps on the medals apart from the Jubilee ones and the OBE kev 239.jpg ..going to paint the sash with a texture as in my references , also going to look at the belt as well .
kev 237.jpg

kev 238.jpg

Still to put the epaulette motifs on .....the pace stick will be a deep colour and very shiny!!!!!

Sword still to be fitted position allowing !!....watch this space

Thanks to my very long suffering mate Jimbo for doing the pacestick (carved it from Bamboo ...great job mate )

Thinking about the base now to allow for the pacestick etc .....

Keith ,

Thanks for the sword pictures ...now in with all the other references

Thanks for all the info to one and all past and future!!!

Thanks for looking in folks

Brilliant pacestick from Jim.
Kevin it must be over to you now. There is so much good information here in this thread I think I will just cut and paste into my notes of reference.....
The information known by the members of pF is amazing.
Great stuff Guys, well done.
All the very best to all,
Hi Guys ,

Doffing my cap
as I type to:

My mate Jimbo and Keith ..couldn't have done this with out you (y)

All PF members ..a bottomless pit of information and help .THANKS

I have finished the clasps on the medals now and the other arm is fixed ....think I might prime in gray for this once rather than my usual black ............looking forward to painting the base coat then the gold lace ...(NMM for me of course ) there is also the facial features as I think Carl has done a really good job on this .

Thanks for looking in

Thanks Kevin and Pete,
I have picked up so much good info on this thread. (not least to; not try to enter a post here after a masive afternoon, evening and night of French wine and Sushi. I have edited it make some sence this morning)
These British Guardsmen projects really kick off a lot of interest and enthusiasm on the Planet........I love it.
So what do we chew the Guards Fat over now? I maybe able to find something a little later...........
All the best,
Hi Guys ,

Update time , well after redoing the medals ...again twice...knocked the originals off !!!!! I am now happy with them painting will bring them to life .... medals have been sanded down since the picture ...carefully !!!

decided to prime in black ...didn't feel right after a light grey primer .

Also replaced the collar lace etc to make it correct , this meant sculpting a total of 8 tiny leeks ...2 for the epaulettes and 2 for the collar and 4 that are currently being munched by the carpet monster!!!!

It has moved on a bit since the picture with a solid base coat on the entire torso , the epaulettes lace have been based as well as the cuffs , buckle primed as well now .....looks a bit messy in the pic but its all tidy and its early days in this project...still no thoughts on a base yet!!!

kev 252.jpg
kev 253.jpg

So tempted to concentrate on this one but I currently have 3 on the go !!!!!!....I have another waiting a suitable base as well .

Head just based in Acrylics ...wondering how everyone would go about painting the open mouth ...all thoughts welcome kev 254.jpg

Forgot to take a piccy of the bearskin , currently primed in black with a wash of burnt umber

Also received from Gra 30 (the very kind man behind CGS Miniatures) 2 resin and 1 metal swords ..the choice of use is mine ...I owe you mate ...more on the sword soon

Thanks for looking in

Nice start Kevin,
I would say that for me your base colours are are too extream but I know that your final brush strokes always come good. That said I do like the base for the lace. might I ask what you used?
For painting the open mouth; I use the same method that I use for the whole figure. That is from the inside out, roof of the mouth, tounge, teeth then finallly inner lips.
This works for me, I hope that it works for for Billy Mott.
Hi Keith ,

Thanks for the comments , I know what you mean about the red but its only to give it some colour (I used Life Colour's Red) , when I start putting the shadows and highs it will look totally different .

The base for the lace is Citadel's is Snakebite Leather ..a colour I would not be without , I have also used Bestial Brown ....not sure if they are still available as mine are old style but I am always lookiing out for them , these plus Chaos Black and Skull White are the group I use for NMM .

Cheers for looking in

Hi Kev,I've been reading this post and you have certainly put alot of work into bringing this to life,I love what you did with the chin scales and bearskin,the whole thing looks great and I can't wait to see the final result,:)

Hi Guys ,

Thanks for the comments ..I would be painting but I am up early for work !!!!

Pete ,

The leeks were made ..holding my breath!!! a total of 12 ..just in case using Magi sculpt ...rolled out very thinly then using a sharp knife and pin they were shaped on a ceramic tile...and then left over night ...then sanded down ....then I crawled about the beige carpet looking for them as I dropped the tile they were on..butter fingers .....then I did then all again ....phew!!!!

Brian ,

I appreciate your input always welcome ...a lot of work yes but hopefully it will be worth it ..and NO it will not be finished for Euro...maybe 2014!!!

Thanks for looking in

Hi Pete ,

Thanks for the concern , great picture as well , the sword Gra sent me has the wrong knot on for Mr M , so it was coming off (sorry Gra!!!) and the style shown being sculpted on .....will be doing this soon ..work keeps getting in the way!!!

Thanks for taking the time to post and raise this point


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