Wailing Iraqi Mother


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It has really nothing to do with getting along or not, we get along fine!

But I do have a problem when someone basically says soldiers are nothing but murderers performing 'organized murder'. Especially since we have soliders in harms way as we speak.
Most soldiers are certainly not murderers just as most citizens of any country you want to name are not murderers. Most soldiers are victims of war just as much as the wailing Iraqi mother. It is unreasoning hatred, bigotry and racial, ethnic and religious intolerance that breed wars. That and the gluttonous pursuit of power for power's sake. God forgive us all because these fearsome sins will continue to cause more wars for the forseeable future. There must be a better way.

I, for one, would prefer to hear what the more gifted sculptors and painters among us have to say about grief and its' portrayal in art. That's where this post started out.

All the best,
Well said Dan!!

I think there is a lot a sculptor/painter/artist can do with the subject. The most touching pieces are often about the human aspect, such as grief and joy.
It's a powerful picture.

The beauty of art is that the interpretation of the artist's piece is placed solely in the eyes of the beholder. I think there is a universal connection--from all cultures and continents--with a mother who is crying for a loved one. Both in art and literature, it is one of our most powerful, haunting archetypes. The intriguing thing about this photo is that, at least by just looking at it (and having not read the background story), the mother could be on any "side" of the conflict. The mother of an Iraqi security forces soldier, the parent of a child in the wrong place at the wrong time, an insurgent's wife, etc.

OK, the proverbial straw has broken the camel's back. Ouch! That hurst more than many of you know.....more on that later. Patrick Kirk, please (!!!!!!) this is easily taken to a private venue. Mike and I had a discussion almost along this same road with one exception. It was all done privately. The membership here at pF were spared the details and guess what? We both came out a little wiser because of it. The same applies to all of you (and even me as well). Take your issues to the source, not to the public.

Now tell me (ONCE AGAIN!), what does this have to do with a wailing Iraqi mother? Or even sculpting? OK, I give up. You guys have gotten the best of me......more to follow in another post.

Jim Patrick
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