Hardy, . . . you're raising a Tempest. . .
Wow, Hardy, you're are raising a tempest with the resolve in the eyes of
this armored fighter. Off to a great start. I usually start with the face, and
the eyes, and I feel if I can get that right, the rest of the figure painting
will go well. Eager to see more WIP on this beautiful and colourful 90mm
Also, thank you for stating the scale of the figure. I'm surprised that so many
of our forum posters show us pictures of their figures and do NOT state what
the scale is. Yes, those of the group who really keep up with all the figures
released, already know what the scale is. But that leaves out a big
number of us, who don't know.
And knowing the scale as a person looks at the pictures does indeed, IMHO,
help explain just what the viewer is looking at. We're not in the same room
with the figure. So scale in my view is important to know. And I think that
accidently leaving out that information is not a good thing to do.
Am I way off base here? I'd like to hear what others think. We can always
agree to disagree.
Well Hardy, I apologize for getting on my soap box in your forum post. I
hope those words above do not in any way diminish, for your,
my appreciation of this start of yours with a beautifully painted
face. The gaze on this warrior is just right.
The eyes have it. . . indeed.
rick brownlee
The Miami Jayhawk