What else do we do??


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A Fixture
Dec 20, 2011
Toronto Ontario
There's been a trend the last couple of weeks in this forum where some pointed questions have given us a little insight into each others personalities beyond what we paint or sculpt. We get a peek behind the brush by divulging such things as our dream projects, what we snack on, what we listen to and where we live.

I'm a fairly new Planeteer, but in the few months I've been on here, I've met fellow painters from all over who share some of my other interests outside the subject of miniatures... for instance taste in music, sports etc. To that end, my question has two motives. Firstly, to get a cross section of the folks who share our hobby and secondly to see if there are others out there that share other interests, passions or professions.

So here's my question...

What else do we do?

As for myself, I am an Industrial Electrician, currently working at Canada's largest Veteran's Residence/ Hospital. I played Junior hockey before starting the trade and have coached minor (kids) hockey for the past 28 years. I also build and ride custom Harleys and play guitar and bass, formerly in a working band.

I believe we're all like onions.... Layers;)

I am a surgical assistant for a group of cosmetic plastic surgeons which has its perks!! I got into painting some years back in the Army when I was wounded and had a traumatic brain injury. I had to go to art therapy among other therapy like learning how to think again!! There was a guy who painted toy soldiers and I fell in love with it. As for other hobbies I really dont have any. I work and I paint and have an occasional date from time to time. As I am without a girlfriend right now I have a whole lot more time to paint!
What we do?

Ian software tester for a company that modifies Microsoft Office products to work in secure or government environments. Basically some one program's it I break it :)

Other than that my other main hobby is photography, mainly I still use film, simply because I like it.
I'm a commercial illustrator by profession.

Other hobbies include: Musician (Saxophone, guitar, flute, clarinet, trumpet, many folk woodwinds, Great Highland, Borders, and Uilleann bagpipes), Militaria, Reenacting, all things Historical, Arms/Gun collecting, Bibliophile, Nostalgia and Antiques/Material Culture enthusiast, and a lot more.
Retired (early) IT Manager. I still don't seem to find enough time to paint all I'd like and since I lost the sight in one eye I find painting frustratingly slow. No other real interests/obsessions; this one's enough!

Good idea Colin.

I am a Chartered Accountant working in the utility sector by profession. I'm married with 5 kids, 6 cats and two very large and evry challenged dogs.

Other interests include collecting and researching historical paper (Napoleonic and July 20 1944 bomb plot), trying to learn to paint - on canvas, attempting mostly unsucccessfully to learn German, reading, Board wargaming (in theory but not recently), mindessly cruising modelling web sites, long walks on the neach .........erg

My favorite sports to play are hockey (though I had to stop last June and I'm not sure when I'll be able to play again) and tennis. I paint prototypes for Wm. Britain and now I'm a stay at home mom. I like to read too (history, fantasy, classics), but time's been a bit short for that lately.
AFter 12 years on the operation room as a surgical assistent i made the change to go for casting brooken bone's.
That's what i do know for living.......casting brooken bone's in a hospital. I do that now for 25 years, and I love it more then the operation room. To have a idea: i cast around 30 people each day. Who's telling that sport's is healthy.

AFter 12 years on the operation room as a surgical assistent i made the change to go for casting brooken bone's.
That's what i do know for living.......casting brooken bone's in a hospital. I do that now for 25 years, and I love it more then the operation room. To have a idea: i cast around 30 people each day. Who's telling that sport's is healthy.


See how helpful this is.... Now I know who to call next time I crash my motorcycle;)

I am retired from the mortgage industry, (laid off during the crash.) I have done magic since I was 14 and did it semi professionally for a lot of years. Magic paid for all of our Christmases while the kids were at home. We like Jazz and new age and mostly instrumental music. Maureen hates female singers as they mostly shout and scream!!!!!, She does like Enya and Celtic women,but loves Johnny Mathis and Yanni.
I'm a mechanical engineer with a focus on computational solid mechanics. I got my doctorate a few years ago and now do mainly research. I've always been into art and as a kid carried a sketch book with me everywhere. I play alto saxophone, though not as much these days. My dad was a huge Civil War buff and inspired my interest in history (though my tastes tend to go more towards ancient civilizations). I'm also into hiking and European style board games.

As for more current news, I'm engaged to a wonderful woman. She's in the middle of med school which has made planning a wedding just a little more complicated. We are also proud owners of a one year old corgi photo.JPG
She may be a little odd...
My favorite sports to play are hockey (though I had to stop last June and I'm not sure when I'll be able to play again) and tennis. I paint prototypes for Wm. Britain and now I'm a stay at home mom. I like to read too (history, fantasy, classics), but time's been a bit short for that lately.

A hockey player, eh? Any relation to the Rafalski in the NHL? Hope you stopping playing isn't due to injury... I'm off the ice indefinitely as I had my knee replaced in November. Now I'll have to console myself with watching my son play Junior A next year... he can carry the torch from now on.

I teach High School Social Studies at Edmonton's largest high school. One of my favorite things has been to travel, especially with students. I leave on Thursday for a 12 day tour of Canadian Battlefields in Europe, where the kids will get to see Juno Beach in Normandy, Dieppe, Vimy Ridge, Beaumont Hamel as well as Berlin and Paris. It's very rewarding experience to see a new generation getting in touch with their own stories and heritage.

Other than that, I occupy myself by being a husband and a father to two teenage daughters, none of whom really "get" this hobby of mine (can I get a witness?) I also to break the laws of physics by continuing to play soccer. Right, that's me sorted.
I am a retired therapist living in Oklahoma City. I love Jazz music and classical. I have a large HD screen in front of where I work and when not listening to music I watch and collect movies.
Well I a have a small carpet cleaning business in the Orlando, Florida area. I have been in the industry over 27 years. My other hobby is going to car shows and cruises. I enjoy both college and pro football. Attached is a picture of my ride that steals my time; and alot of my money from the painting of miniatures and models. The car is a WIP.
A hockey player, eh? Any relation to the Rafalski in the NHL? Hope you stopping playing isn't due to injury... I'm off the ice indefinitely as I had my knee replaced in November. Now I'll have to console myself with watching my son play Junior A next year... he can carry the torch from now on.

Torch being passed, from Father (me circa 1978)

To Son. (my son 2011)
Dylan Semenenko.jpg
I collect game worn hockey jerseys,mostly related the Philadelphia Flyers and ECHL. I now since having to end my career as a beer league goalie, devote my spare time as a 29th infantry Div WW2 reenactor. Collect Osprey men at arms books and autographs of NHL goalies.
I collect game worn hockey jerseys,mostly related the Philadelphia Flyers and ECHL. I now since having to end my career as a beer league goalie, devote my spare time as a 29th infantry Div WW2 reenactor. Collect Osprey men at arms books and autographs of NHL goalies.

WooHoo!!!! (y)Another Broad Street Bullies fan(y)

Ok guys, this is an excellent thread!

I am a Chartered Accountant (boring) and work for one of the big four firms. Originally studied Computer Science & Electronic Engineering at Hull Uni in UK. Then decided to diversify. Used to play Hockey as well until a back injury in a game at Uni put a stop to that.

I've been modelling figures since 1996 and never looked back. But there never seems to be enough time to get round to everything. Five years ago I also took up radio control airplane modelling and now fly a 1/4 scale Piper Cub and a 1/5 scale T28 Trojan. I guess once a modellers always a modellers thus I only go for true scale replicas of airplanes as well.

Happy Modelling all

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