what's your first model for 2012?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2011
Ontario, Canada
OK guys, my first WIP for 2012 is Romeo's Calico Jack...talk about a major learning experience:eek:
but he's coming along...I'm lucky, too new at this to have collected a gray army...
What's your first choice?
I have many projects started in 2011, & sooner, that I hope to finish by 2013, or later. I need to finish Pegaso's Vistola lancer on horseback,
the Fusilier's Berdan's sharpshooter, & the final 2 figures from Andrea's Waterloo vignette.

On the other hand, I getting tired of looking at these guys so I think my first for 2012 will something WW2ish. Maybe one from below

Still working on three leftovers from 2011. They should be done in time for our club meeting this Saturday. Not sure what's next; maybe sculpt a flat pinup babe.
Just finished a 54mm Jon Smith Poliu and looking to get started on Pegaso's 75mm Greek Mercenary when it arrives in the post. In the meantime I'm going to keep working on a modified 1/9th Roman bust from Foxwood Studios that's been sitting on my workbench for over a year.
My first model for 2012 will be a upcoming Raúl García Latorre sculpt for Art Girona. Stay tunned because there will be a nice SBS post in a few days and also there is something really awesome we have been planning related to this miniature.
Well I'm still working on 2 Swedish cavalry officers and Dr Watson.
My first planned projects for 2012 are not figures, unless you call VF-1S Super Valkyrie a figure. I also got a Ma.K coming soon in the mail, which perhaps can count as a figure (sort of).
My journey through Traditions figure range will continue, but what they'll send to me next I don't know! :)


Oh its difficult, i have a lot of miniatures on my workbench, but i think the Gordon Highlander Bust from Carl Reid is my favorite, or my " Cheers " Projekt !

Despite I have had four started subjects on my bench I started another two within the beginning of the year. They are Art Girona Celt 70mm and Seil Models Polish Hussar 54mm. Right now they are my priority.
Just putting the finishing touches on a fantasy figure (Golborak... an old Rackham mini that I started last month). Then I'll begin on my first new figure of 2012, Pegaso's Vexillifer, a 75mm Roman standard bearer.

Happy New Year.
First new project will be a head sculpt in roughly 1/24 scale, to add to a series of character heads I've been doing over the last few months.

First completed model will probably be a project started in 2011, an Ma.K TACO-34 (sci-fi armour kit).

I have three WIP from 2011 two tamyia Modern U.S. Infantry 1/16th and Deyung's 150mm Special Forces figure (digitial camo kicking my butt). Which I should have done by the end of the month. But the first fig for 2012 from start to finish is going to be Special ops models 1/9 full navy seal figure that I should be recieving in a day or so.
Lots of 54s primed and ready but they're just fillers behind my latest post x-mas pick-ups:
  • 75mm Confederate officer from Elite, primed and ready!
  • 75mm Iroquois Warrior from Romeo
  • and my favorite!!! 75mm mounted Red Lancer new from Pegaso, just cracked open the box this morning, :eek: equally excited and intimidated... can't wait to start!
I'm hoping to be able to start my first projects of 2012 early next week.
The first priority is to finish my 54mm Fredericus Rex Prussian Engineer Officer, the plan then is to make a start on another Fredericus Rex set of figures based on the Meissonnier painting "The Cardplayers". While all this is going on Dan's US cavalry Mexico 1916 should be galloping across the Atlantic.
I'm hoping now I've made a public statement to that effect I'll stick to the plan :rolleyes:

just putting the last few touches on a anime girl kit.

so the first kit of the new year will be my howitzer (finally!). will be nice to get this one done and complete my afrika corps diorama.
Just getting some 30mm Flat Ancient Romans painted for the BFFS project, I'm nearly there :)

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