Why is everyone selling all their stuff?


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Just making room in there display cases!;) at the end of the day you cant keep everything you do unless you
have a big House with at loads of room! that's fact! if you kept everthing you painted it would be crazy!!!! and if you can sell on some minis fair play to you!
Just seems to be a lot more than usual at the minute. And with Euromilitaire and Scale Model World just around the corner I have a sneaky suspicion that it may not be a coincidence ;)

Billy :)
Billy, Euro is coming! however in a lot of cases its a simple case of clearance, but also fund to buy as you suggest. If a piece is of no interest to the owner then quite rightly sell it.:D Someone will want it.

Billy, Euro is coming! however in a lot of cases its a simple case of clearance, but also fund to buy as you suggest. If a piece is of no interest to the owner then quite rightly sell it.:D Someone will want it.

I wonder why someone would buy something in the first place if they had no interest in it.o_O
Ralph. There in lies the crux of any, 'Gray Army'. The old days of window shopping are long gone. ( So we now have to shop on a 'wing and a prayer') We all have bought stuff on the internet that looks great, or simple, or manageable! But in reality it becomes an :eek: x10, and therefore, it is consigned to the GA. .. Some to be done! when capable. Although others are beyond that individuals skill, even if the subject matter is right for them. Interests move on as well. ( Apart from our resident Richie:LOL:) .. So the initial interest was maybe there, however things & thoughts always evolve.:)

However, were would we all be without the 'Buy, Sell & Trade', option :LOL:

Edit! .. And Naps reviews, of course:D


I guess many of us have bought figures that we intend (honest) to paint but after a few years that initial flush of enthusiasm gets supressed by the latest shiny new releases. The truth is of course as Mark says that interests change, eyesight diminishes and those good intentions never look like coming to fruition.
I do wonder how many of us buy figures that we will never paint in a lifetime but we just had to buy at that moment because the impulse was just too strong or there was that nagging doubt that the figure will still be around in the future.

:LOL:! Geoff, .. Those impulse buys, and lack of resistance can be a 'Wallet Killer'. But you are 'Bang on the Money', (Or lack of it) with what you have said.:D

There's a lot of sense there. I think people's genine first flush of enthusiasm wanes with some figures, others do stand the test.
I must admit to thinking to myself to do a few 54mm figs while I can still see them :oops:
Pew! .. Get them done, or 'Sell them off! .. Time can be crucial. ( Its a sneaky bugger) :D:LOL:. 54mm was never nor will be within my field of ability;).

I think I've sold off everything I knew I wouldn't get round to painting and I don't intend to buy another kit until I've painted at lest 2/3 rds off what I have left no matter how much I that new kit :nailbiting::nailbiting: .
I think I've sold off everything I knew I wouldn't get round to painting and I don't intend to buy another kit until I've painted at lest 2/3 rds off what I have left no matter how much I that new kit :nailbiting::nailbiting: .

A resolution and it's not even New Year :)

It's the Zombie apocalypse...due any time now.

I need to ask... what would your weapon of choice be in the Zombie Apocalypse.

Mine will be the Swiss ball bungee'd to the front of my bike so I can bounce them all out the way...on my way to work.

My grey army is more like a platoon but already I've resolved to build and paint what I have before I buy any more and then only one at a time.....let's see how long that lasts ;)

I only have one piece that I now regret buying (apart from all the unfinished planes and tanks). It's a large scale fallschirmjager from Dragon. It's a plastic kit and a bit soft on detail but I bought it so I will build it. A consolation is that I bought it from under a table at a show so it was very cheap.

As far as the zombie apocalypse goes, I am a bit of a traditionalist so I would go for a baseball bat and chainsaw ;)

Billy :)

Edit! .. And Naps reviews, of course:D



I cannot be responsible for peoples GA ...if anyone doe want to create space ....send them to me ..address on application

You are a smoothie Mark

Off to drool at my GA

Nap...reviews up and coming soon

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