Winston Churchill 1/9th scale scratchbuild


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Here is the new hat and the machine gun with hand attached:



Hey Bob!

Great work my friend!! I love the subject and it is neat to see you takle a large scale figure after all those 54's.

I would sugegst looking at the hand some more, Im not sure if it is finished or not, but look at the position of the thumb, it looks as if it is just straight, while if you grip something like that the thumb kind of bends. Grab something similar to the handle of the tommy gun and look at what the thumb does, its easier to see then to try to explain it. Also, you might want to smooth out the area where ther knuckles are, make it a little more subtle. The hands are a very imporant part of a figure so take some time and get them to look the part.

Keep up the super work!
Superb, the head really starts to look like Churchill, even without paint!

Keep up the fantastic work,

Originally posted by Anders Heintz@Mar 12 2005, 07:46 PM
Hey Bob!

Great work my friend!! I love the subject and it is neat to see you takle a large scale figure after all those 54's.

I would sugegst looking at the hand some more, Im not sure if it is finished or not, but look at the position of the thumb, it looks as if it is just straight, while if you grip something like that the thumb kind of bends. Grab something similar to the handle of the tommy gun and look at what the thumb does, its easier to see then to try to explain it. Also, you might want to smooth out the area where ther knuckles are, make it a little more subtle. The hands are a very imporant part of a figure so take some time and get them to look the part.

Keep up the super work!
Anders, you're right about the hands and they are not finished. I believe the thumb needs to be bent down more and the smoothing of the back of the hands was on my "to do" list. Since I am going to cast the gun and hand for future stuff I will spend the time to get it right. Well, I would have done that anyway, right ;)

I talked to Brad Linfors at SCAHMS and he gave me a lot of good casting tips. He is the person who cast the Bill Horan FP War accessory sets which are very nice by the way as I picked up a couple.

what an idea! wonderful subject! And he's really starting to get the character of the full size Churchill...
This I want to see finished!

One thing I noticed is that his face needs to be a little bit squarer so I might add a touch to the jowels to square it off. If it is too much I will sand down but I have to see if that is the final touch. I will post pics good or bad.
Bob.............Earth to Bob.............put the glue tube down and get back to reality, else tommorrow we may see Winnie in a Zoot suit.

Originally posted by Roy@Mar 19 2005, 05:45 PM
This is coming along so well Bob...such an excellent likeness..and that expression.
just fantastic, you've got to be enjoying this.

All the best.

Roy, it is truly a fun project and should be fun to paint up.