WIP Critique Young Somme Bust - Slightly Modified


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Progress on his tunic. Shite photos but best I can do away from home base. Base of khaki is Vallejo deep yellow + Vallejo burnt umber.

Shaded with the addition of Vallejo violet, as well as Citadel inks (purple, deep green, flesh wash).

I put a flesh ink wash over the khaki when done to pick up the brown tone a bit and suppress the greenishness. WWI British khaki hs a distinct yellow/brown cast...but you can't see it in these photos as the colour shifted a bit.

Starting to work on his shoulder titles now. I love snow days for modelling. :cool:




The view out my studio window added for atmosphere.


Great work on the khaki Colin... I do like Old Oakville in the snow. BTW how did u like that blast yesterday? I just finished a 3 hour shovelling session... I'm baffed!:blackeye: :sleep:

Stratford Colin...we have a small away from home spot there....screw cottages, the drive north and water sports. Give me arts, good music and fine dining any day.

And yes the snow sucked but I am too old a fragile for shovelling...might strain my painting hand. I bribed my 16 year old with a grocery store treat. After that, the little capitalist went door to door and made > $50 in less than an hour digging out the neighbours!

Western Colin
Ah Stratford... Beautiful. I'm with ya, screw cottage country!
I had to drag my near 20 year old out by the ear and listen to him bitch the whole time about how he has a hockey game tonight wah wah wah... He must have snuck in a text because suddenly one of his buddies showed up all jacked up the shovel snow. Hummmm... I didn't turn him away. It was like Tom Sayer and the whitewash
Work on his shoulder titles. Not my best sculpting ever but it will do. I expect it will look much better once I get the metallics on it.


A bit more historical background - Here's a period print I found on the net and had to purchase. It accompanies a newspaper account by famous war correspondant Philip Gibbs and shows the 3 AM night action in the Ovillers trenches in which my Gr. Uncle lost his life. I have researched the tactical details through the battalion war diary. The print is clearly jingoistic and exaggerated for the home audience but I am still really glad I found it.

ovillers print2.jpg

Thanks to all for the continued interest and generous comments - much appreciated! His khaki was a bit too green so I washed him with some various Vallejos and inks and he has a bit more of a green/brown/yellow cast now. Hopefully to be seen next update.


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