Hi Jay
I absolutely agree with you, it's easy to get carried away and frustrated with the detail, but you know when it does not feel right you just need to have another go, well that is where I am at, so I'm back to my blank canvas.
If you look at the building in isloation then that is all you see but once that Tiger, 5 figures, internal detail and all the rubble is in, there is not a cat in hell's chance of someone saying " you know what that's a Spanish church in Normandy", however if you are going foras authentic as possible (and the Tiger over 2 months reflects that , then why not go the whole hog and research it properly?
Ronald has given me the idea and luckily I am going to France this weekend so will find a couple of churches and photograph them to death, re-draw and then put the cork on again.
I have some foam board mate, it's great stuff but I prefer the cork method, more time consuming but gives better results IMO.