A Fixture
Re: 1/16 "Tiger In Wait" 506, 4 Kompanie, 1944 Ardennes Offensive
Nice project hope it comes out on time.
Nice project hope it comes out on time.
Hi Dave,
I believe the flat molded on plate behind the drivers hatch would go as well. I believe those were a feature of early Tigers only. Actually I don't recall what it is. Also the molded on (but unpainted), what appears to be a pry bar for replacing the tracks, behind/next to the flat plate.
This project will be awesome. You are going to have some fun. I too did all these (S&T) figures. At the time they were my favorite. However there is a new KID ON THE BLOCK. Jeff's figures are awesome. I too wanted to incorperate his figures with the S&T figures with a whole nother Diorama. Jeff's are a tad larger; however very doable. I am totaly going to be wathching your progress. I am enclosing a picture of 1st place winner at IPMS Nationals a few years back in Anaheim(2007). Still one of my favorites to date. My skills have improved vastly since then. Just need to dust off the dust on my brushes and paint something.
Enjoy you project
Hi Dave,
The holes are jib holes
Lots more good info there as well
Theres one page that covers the repositioning of the jack block. Here is an excellent ref for the headlight conduit armored cover
BTW, I think the muzzle brake on your gun is the type used on later production late Tiger I's. It appears to be more streamlined and less bulbous than the original, and was the same one as used on the Tiger II. It wouldn't be appropriate for a mid. Just FYI.
Hi Dave,
Just in case you wanted more info
Want to detail that jack, go here:
and look under "equipment"
You may not need to redo the tool box. I can't find it right off the bat, but at some point these were removed from the rear plate during, I believe, the mid-production run. So depending on when yours was built, it may not have had it in the first place. Considering the time frame of yours, its likely to have been a later build without the box.
Hi Dave,
I can't wait to see this one progress, especially in light of the previous project. I am really intrigued by the gothic window and how you will tackle this (as my father-in-law does stained glass work as a hobby).
Are you going to make it stone framed, wood framed, window from glass or painted acetate? Any ideas for the subject choice on the window?
I think with your chioce of figures you can't go wrong. Can't help on the Tiger would not know a Mk1 from a Mk2 even if it kicked me up the arris.
I'm sure we will see some scavenged flora and fauna.
Very best wishes and good luck with this project.
'411' was a hybrid Tiger, which is an interesting beast in that it had an early turret and hull with a late model steel wheeled running gear. I recall that these were a mating of repair depot parts, and that the hulls may have been destined for Sturmtiger conversion. 'Hummel' had a number of these, 6 being the number that comes to mind. I believe after Arnhem, they received replacement Tiger I's taken from units converting to Tiger II's, which brought the total up to 14 for the Ardennes. Probably the Tiger I's they had were the last operational ones of any number on the Western front. Sorry that I missed in your previous post that yours is going to be 411 or I would have pointed that out. It would actually be even more interesting if you did yours as a hybrid, as they are rarely modeled. Dragon/Cyberhobby models did a 1/35th version boxed as "Gruppe Fehrmann"