Other figure is being cleaned and sculpted over at the joints. I’ve got to sculpt the trousers going in to the boots at the bottom, just slightly bring them out a little tiny bit more. The mp4 barrel resin was bent so I made my own and repaired a large air pocket at the end of the stock. I’ve got to blend in where the trigger stuck to the stock and make a nice strap to hang down.
Hi Dave
Another very enjoyable update , so much thinking and referencing is going into this , it’s really paying off so well
That’s a nice base you’ve got from Richard @ Oakwood ......any thoughts on groundwork ?
Thanks for the posts
Looking forward to seeing more
Have fun at the bench
You got em all cleaned up nicely, Ruck On!
Hey, it's been down to -22* to -27*Fwith the wind chill here over the past week, indoor airbrushing is a must, HA!
Get a good 3M resperator and you're good to go.
wow that’s incredible……..it’s not the respirator it’s the wife and I’m not getting a new one of those
That works so well, usually you wouldn't want the vehicle to be parallel to the base but in tight space like that it really works to throw all attention onto the bike and riders.
Cheers Simon