Peter Day
A Fixture

My next build will be this pair of Roman archers by Verlinden:

The first is an early Belgian production figure, though, unusually, it is bettered by the later US one.
I decided to start on the Belgian first, as I was worried by the face (see box art), which would have to be replaced if it didn't work out - plenty of heads, but only an ICM legionary helmet in the spares box. This is what I came up with:

Not great, but it is the kit head and at least it saved the nicely detailed helmet. The rest of the figure:

Thin plastic rod was provided with both figures for the arrow shafts, but it was too difficult to straighten. I'll probably use wire.
The second figure:

A really nice face on this one, which is a relief. Although the Romans used fairly standardised equipment, they didn't wears uniforms as such, so I'm going to give myself some leeway with the colour of the clothing. These Italian reenactors probably depict a more realistic Roman unit: