Hi Daniel
Easy way for the Regt to distinct the separate company , out of interest what were the others ?
Nice work on the belts and sword addition ...do hope that sword can be removed from scabbard ....lol
Great figure my friend
Thanks for sharing the updates
Happy benchtime
The detailing on these is superb as usual.
The green sash made of orc skin, well why on earth not. Even blown up as far as it goes he looks flawless.
Cheers Simon
These are coming along really nicely. A lovely set of figures you are putting together.
Hi Daniel
Thanks for info ref companies
Like the clever way you are making , no doubt there’s more details coming
Must admit the new belt looks super
Liking the story you’ve got in your mind for these 2 figures
Looking forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime
Looking good, really like how you did the pistols, the simplest way is often the best way. Not sure I'd be comfortable adding that much fresh putty to an already painted figure, but it worked well.
Cheers Simon
I'm enjoying watching these figures come to life.
Well played with the pistols, Herr Markgraf!