A Fixture
So, added the Switzers to the battlefield, added a mounted general and some ground works....

Hi Daniel
Great to see more being done , love that officer , great detail painting
As for the Switzers ....BRILLIANT
Look forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime
If I were to do this many figures someone might think I was a gluten for punishment, but you've carried the same perfection with each figure, in this tiny scale, incredible, wow! Awesome work, Daniel!
This work is on a 28mm piece ......great stuff , and very skilled thinking about what's needed
Good to see what's planned and done so far ...look forward to more update pics ....
.......and of course your painting
Happy benchtime
Superb work - that dio is looking Fantastic - very realistic.
What to say except ...don't stop ...ever ! .......excellent updates and pics , fine detailing and how you work even in 40mm amazes me , both figures are great , it's clever how you can look at a figure and see what's need to convert ....looking to see more on all
That drummer would make a fabulous BUST .....all that lacework .......Oooohhh going all gooey thinking about it !
Look forward to more as always
Happy benchtime
PS Thanks for sharing the colours used
Hi Daniel
Not kind my friend just the truth ! .....I can only wish about the drummer bust ...
Good start on the lacework , interesting you add a Matt medium with metallics ...presumably they would be too " metallic" if not used
Nice flesh on him and very neat lining on the lace
Looking forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime