A Fixture
These chaps are almost ready to join the fray.
All left to do is their muskets and thwir ahirt cuffs.
All left to do is their muskets and thwir ahirt cuffs.

Hi Daniel
Catching up a bit , lovely to see the painting as always of the highest level for such small scales
Nice detail painting on the pouches especially and they all look the part .....
Glad to see the award of the St Louis ....obviously a brave fellow
Thanks for sharing
Look forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime
Thanks my friend, i will post more progress soon.
Good, I love seeing these, they're great subjects and very well painted.![]()
Great seeing you here
I hope you and your loved ones are doing well.
Hi Daniel
A fine line of men you have there , nice start on them
The officer looks particularly good , nice character and a young looking face IMO
You must be patient painting so many of the same in a production line ....but what a resuit you get always impressive
Interesting ref flags you overpaint any of the details or use as we see them here ...either way they do look effective
Did you wargame before doing these superb diorama's ?
Look forward as always to more
Happy Bench time
Hi Daniel
Great additions in place really like the variety in uniforms your depicting , the poses ofvtgevfigures work well and all interact which is great to see
As for the visitors centre what an offer that would be , my thought is they woukd be crazy not to want it .....a so museum level piece and everywhere and everytime you look visitors will see something so special and detailed ....
Just wish I lived closer !
Thanks for updates as always a pleasure to see
Happy benchtine
Hi Daniel
Great updates as always , good painting and detail,work showing
Lovely conversion work on the unfortunate fellow ...coming along nicely ...he will fit in well
Thanks for pictures as usual showing just what can be done with the scale
Happy benchtime