WIP 54mm Andre Desilles, Nancy Mutiny 1790


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I've finished the vest and pants.
I decided to paint them in a slight different to ne of white.
For the base color of the vest i've use silver grey with a dab of stone grey.
Shadows was done usimg the base color plus more stone grey and a little bit of german grey, lights added by using vallejo panzer aces winter camo white.
As for the pants, i've use deck tan plus stone grey, shadows were added some more stone grey and german grey.
For the lights i added silver grey.
Hi Daniel

Love the variations in whites ...those mixes are in my little book !

Off topic I know jow woukd you paint a black uniform ?

Thanks for sharing


Hmm...black uniform.....i would probably start with german grey a sbase.
Add black for shadows and for lights i would add blue grey or flat skin to the german grey.

Thanks for the suggestion ref black ..appreciate it

Now then young man ..this figure.......helmet looks really good love the metalwork on it , the uniform both highs and shadows ...rather super ! ....turnbacks painting ....rather tasty ....

Great finishing on this he definately looks a rather aristocratic fellow , very upper class .

Not far from the end now ...great journey on both sides of the pond

Thanks for sharing


PS Stop posting meals , BBQ etc on FB ...always makes me hungry ....LOL

Thanks for the suggestion ref black ..appreciate it

Now then young man ..this figure.......helmet looks really good love the metalwork on it , the uniform both highs and shadows ...rather super ! ....turnbacks painting ....rather tasty ....

Great finishing on this he definately looks a rather aristocratic fellow , very upper class .

Not far from the end now ...great journey on both sides of the pond

Thanks for sharing


PS Stop posting meals , BBQ etc on FB ...always makes me hungry ....LOL

Thanks my friend , i really appreciate your words.
As for the Barbecues and food on Facebook, if i don't post you wil not have an incentive to enjoy a meal mate! Hahaha.
Hi Daniel

Love the whites on this piece ...nice finish and a great subject

Good to see you posting inbetween the busy life ....and your birthday ...lol

Thanks for sharing

Daniel very nice work. Your whites are fantastic, I'm learning that white is a pain to paint and that makes it more impressive.

Thanks!, definitely the learnimg curve is long, but i believe that when you find your own technique after trying and trying it becomes second nature.
There is no perfect white or technique, you make it your own and i am sure you will make a good one.
Best regards