WIP Critique A couple of figs on my desk


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A Fixture
Feb 3, 2004

These are what I have been feverishly working on.
They are WW2 Russian tankers in late war uniforms.
The jacket is some sort of synthetic leather.
Fire away, guys! :)


Hi my friend
this a a great sculpt (but you know that i like your sculpt)(y)
Nice to see more russian from your clever hands
why don't you make french tanker:D
warms regards
Two very nice looking figure Taesung, I like your approach to have one of the jacket zipped and one open, the drapery of the open jacket is fantastic, nice bit of variation. I have seen images of this type of tanker suit worn, resemble some sort of black Rubber suit.

Very nice! Adding a small cigarette in the hand of the guy searching his pocket would instantly have him digging for his lighter.........cool! (Not you Taesung, just letting my imagination run with the moment a bit......LOL!) What are your alternate heads going to look like for these Taesung?

Jay H.
Thanks for the compliments, guys!

These are in 1/35th scale (50 -51 mm)

Don't be afraid to point out anything wrong.

I'll try to take another shot tonight.

Taesung, I really can't add anything that has not been said. You do exceptional work...and it shows. ~Gary

PS, More photos would be nice. :)
I really like the way the sleeves come down over the hands, instead of the hands looking like they were just tacked onto the end of the sleeve. And the faux leather texture is really nice. Wrong with them? Wrong scale, too small!:D
You know what? I was looking at the hands and arms
of the figure on the right. The overall arm length look
a hair too short. Maybe about a half mili meter?
it's weird because they look fine in person.
I think I'll put gloves on these hands to add tiny bit of length.
What do you think, guy? Do you see what I mean?
Or am I seeing thing?
Nice sculpts Taesung. Boy they look buttery smooooth..... ;)

I don't know if i have ever seen pics of that style of coat before. You are right, the left arm of the one guy does look a little short. Easy solution: cut the sleeve a couple of millimeters above the cuff and graft in a short section using sheet plastic. Glue together and fill in the gap. Done.....


Thanks, Mike.

Looking at it carefully, I don't think the problem is
how low the hand ends up. I think the problem is
where the sleeve starts at the shoulder. I wanted
to portray a roomy jacket that shoulder seam overhangs
a little. I think it's causing the problem.
What do you think?

love the pose on the guy on the left...the look on his face matches the pose because he looks a little frustrated, like he's not finding what he's looking for fast enough. I do agree that the arm looks a little short on the guy on the right, but they are great figures!
Thanks, Mike.

Looking at it carefully, I don't think the problem is
how low the hand ends up. I think the problem is
where the sleeve starts at the shoulder. I wanted
to portray a roomy jacket that shoulder seam overhangs
a little. I think it's causing the problem.
What do you think?



Hard to say without the figure in my hand. I understand what you are trying to do, but that arm still looks short to my eye. From the pose, it looks like that particular shoulder drops a little more than the other. If that is true, then the arm is too short since both end up about the same place on the figure.

But you have the figure in your hand. So my opinion may be moot!



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