Advice for traveling with Figures


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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2009
Perth- western australia
Good morning one and all
I have a question for the guys who travel to overseas shows I am planning on go to my first overseas figure competition and wondering …. I have a suitable carry case ( hobbyzone ) looking at taking 4 to 5 figures 90mm 75 mm and bust now the biggie how do you secure your figures for transport the case has a removable front and a slide out false bottom also how do you guys fare when going through customs any special things to look out for
Oh by the way its from Australia to Malaysia
Chris W
Hi Chris,

Couple of things;
Jon Page at Sphere produces make a series of transport boxes and at one time he had the measurement for the airline over head luggage boxes so he would know if the boxes fitted or not.

As for fixing the models you can use either Velcro or magnets and metal sheets. I know Alex Long has used one of Jon's boxes with magnet to take models from the UK to Japan.

Hope that helps.
To be absolutely secure I think there are two main principles.

1) Pin all parts of the figure if it is White Metal. Resin is not so critical but still worthwhile.
2) Screw the figure to the base of the carry case.

If you can hold the case upside down without the figure or bits moving then it is pretty secure.-nothing is perfect.

To be absolutely secure I think there are two main principles.

1) Pin all parts of the figure if it is White Metal. Resin is not so critical but still worthwhile.
2) Screw the figure to the base of the carry case.

If you can hold the case upside down without the figure or bits moving then it is pretty secure.-nothing is perfect.


Chris, Pretty much agree with everything Keiths said.
Couple of points based on experience, don't use Velcro as there is a real risk of damage when you 'rip' the figures out and don't use magnets and metal plates as this attracts additional scrutiny when the case goes through security.
Security staff are usually curious and want to have a look, try to stop them from poking the 'drug' wand around the inside of the box.
Distribute the weight of the figues evenly and expect the box to end up on its side at some point.
Chris, Pretty much agree with everything Keiths said.
Couple of points based on experience, don't use Velcro as there is a real risk of damage when you 'rip' the figures out and don't use magnets and metal plates as this attracts additional scrutiny when the case goes through security.
Security staff are usually curious and want to have a look, try to stop them from poking the 'drug' wand around the inside of the box.
Distribute the weight of the figues evenly and expect the box to end up on its side at some point.

Somehow, I am not at all surprised they run the drug wand over you Del :sneaky:
Thanks Everyone for the Advice I've noticed in some images of figures held down with what looks like a white putty what is it and does it work
Don't worry Del if they run a drug wand over you attention is attention its nice to know that they think we are special enough
Somehow, I am not at all surprised they run the drug wand over you Del :sneaky:

Thanks Everyone for the Advice I've noticed in some images of figures held down with what looks like a white putty what is it and does it work
Don't worry Del if they run a drug wand over you attention is attention its nice to know that they think we are special enough

Don't mind them running it over me, at my age you take it where and when you can :)
For some reason though and despite our transit boxes being covered in FRAGILE and THIS WAY UP tape Edinburgh Airport security have waggled their wands around mine, Davie Mitchell and Ronaldo's boxes many a time :whistle:
Hi Chris,

If you are transporting your figures by car locally in a carry box then using Bluetack or Whitetack is fine. Pack them towards the back of the box, make sure the back of the box is against the bulkhead or in the footwell of the car. In this instance magnets may be OK. I have used Velcro but my experience is that it requires effort to release then suddenly lets go and you end up hitting the figure against the side or top of the box, the very thing you are trying to avoid. I also prefer Bluetack as Whitetack is softer a stickier and the last thing you want is to spend hours trying to remove it from the plinth. With either of these they are best removed using another piece of the same substance. Hope this makes sense.


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