Good start again Richie. I attempted a go at this, in my early model building days. Being short of funds (on account of only being in my early teens) and suitable models ( on account of living in a provincial village without a proper hobby model shop nearby), I made do with what I had....
I happened to have Airfix's Monty' Humber Staff car, which looked similar, and this was riddled with 'bullet holes' and substituted, and I think I used some Italeri Germans, crudely heated and bend into "shape"....
No incriminating evidence of this butchery remains...
Looking forward to seeing your progress, I've packed all my stuff away, as we are moving in the new year. I have just finished a Bronco 17 pounder, and procured a part build (cheap
) Morris C8, to convert to the Airborne version. Still to decide if I'm going for a large diorama of the landing grounds, or a smaller one in Oosterbeek.