Channel More 4 ran three brilliant programs last night , the first at 8pm Fact or Fiction looked at the true Richard 3rd , dispelling much of the myth created by William Shakespeare who wrote and twisted history mainly to please the Tudor monarch at the time Elizabeth 1st . Richard wasn't a hunchback although he did suffer from a curvature of the spine and in general was a damn good king
I did Derek and sold it to an American collector,you've got some memory.Unfortunately i can't find any pictures of him but i did have them.If my memory serves me well didn't you do a very nice wee conversion of a Pegaso figure to Richard?
That's the one! Cheers Carl.
If these are indeed the remains of Richard III then I understand that there might be a forensic reconstruction of his facial features based on the skull. This might be a great opportunity for a decent figure or bust (yes please) to be released.
Thanks Steve, just read that!.. 'beyond all reasonable doubt',. Now. the bods are saying he is going to be re-interred at Leicester CathedralJust been announced it is most likely Richard III's body
Stop!.. he may be tempted to Sculpt it with a Maltese cross, as an addition!....
i`ve reinturd that already, full honours as would be expected for such a specimen.
Now I also say, Stop ! I've seen enough figure kits of templars, teutons and maltezers how many are there in fact ?
Time someone does sculpt another properly researched 15th century knight of the wars of the roses (or is it turds).