WIP Critique Borodino Update- Horse 1


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A Fixture
Dec 20, 2011
Toronto Ontario
Hey All

Had a bad case of lazyitis for a couple of weeks. Finally got back at my Borodino diorama last night. This session, I went at the central French Cuirassier horse that will be bursting into the redoubt. The Cuirassier will be being attacked by a Russian Infantryman and Artillery gunner. The horse will be half rearing half stumbling as it crashes into the melee.
I started with some assorted Historex horse parts, picked two halves and a head/neck combo that gave the impression of the pose I wanted. I mated the two halves along the spine and inserted spacers at the rump and along the belly. This widened the thin Historex horse while also splaying the legs out showing the animal trying to keep balanced while stumbling.
The gaps were filled with Apoxie and the belly was filled out some. This left the upper regions thinner than the underside so I beefed up the shoulders and chest and broadened the rump with Apoxie. The additions are at this point, mostly broadstrokes... the muscle details will be worked out as the sculpt progresses.
Once the saddle is modified to fit the horse I can start the outline of the rider. This will allow me to work on the foot figures who are interacting with the horse and rider. Hopefully in the next week or so I will have all the players outlined and situated on the base... then the detailwork can start in earnest.

As always I hope for some tips and observations to help me along with this huge project I've gotten myself into!


Wow Colin, I just love when you get all poetic... I feel all inspired and such like that there. We don't learn poetry in Scarborough... More avoiding drive-bys and knowing what colour bandana to wear in each neighbourhood. We call it "Banger Etiquitte".

Colin, Perdo and Zeno thanx for your support... Historex is designed to be frustrating I think but once I get a bit more of a handle on it I hope to pick up a little more speed.

Stay tuned for the next episode of "Borodino"... Coming soon!

You'll never get any real modelling done with a tidy workbench Colin :LOL: good start with that horse mate looks excellent

I'm a little OCD so every couple of days I have to strip the bench and put everything back in it's place... then it only takes about an hour to introduce absolute chaos to the workbench. The tidy workbench balances the mess behind the eyes :wacky:
I'm a little OCD so every couple of days I have to strip the bench and put everything back in it's place...
You´re not alone .... I hate a mess as well. I always clean up after every session. Its happened too often that I wanted to model but after looking at the mess, I gave it a miss.
Interesting start Colin. I started a "Scotland forever" scene some years ago with several Airfix soldiers/horses and a Historex cannon, so Im hoping for some inspiration to get it started again. :cool:
Well done
I always found historex horses a bit on the thin line, more parade horse for officers
Never had the courage to even build an historex ... shame on me
But I remember making some Airfix ( Collectors Serie ) for a friend yeaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago
Thanx everyone for the great support... I'm working on the saddle and have the beginnings of the rider started. Should have an update after the weekend (and the Super Bowl)

Go San Fran!!! (Not my team but I got my money on them)
Looking interesting Colin ,Historex horses are nice but they do need that little bit of fattening and extra work at the fetlocks and hooves.
Always a challenge to make Historex look fluid


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