The whinging seemed to be from those who didn't attend.....making assumptions about numbers based on a photo or two.....
competition entries were up to the best of my knowledge, and some traders reported greater than expected business.....I'm sure some didn't though
Judging seemed decent overall, didn't hear of any obvious howlers like in some years......
Those there enjoyed it (how could they not) and there were a good number of new visitors.....
But what can any show do to turn it around? This is the internet age during an economic downturn...........I've no idea how much the Leas costs to occupy it for 3 days...
competition entries were up to the best of my knowledge, and some traders reported greater than expected business.....I'm sure some didn't though
Judging seemed decent overall, didn't hear of any obvious howlers like in some years......
Those there enjoyed it (how could they not) and there were a good number of new visitors.....
But what can any show do to turn it around? This is the internet age during an economic downturn...........I've no idea how much the Leas costs to occupy it for 3 days...