Euro 2016


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The special atmosphere has all but gone!! Changes need to be made, if Robin doesn't take this on board the show will die ( sooner rather than later )

It will be interesting to see how this progresses, but if the costs to trades and entrance fee don't come down then that's it!! curtains

For what it cost the Traders, they would have been far better off going to Einhoven!!! it would have been far far cheaper for them.

At Present, Einhoven IS the new Euro. I do agree with Patrick, a standard and master class would be fairer and more encouraging, along with a best of show for Vehicles.
Mmmmm. Just read Robin Bucklands view on the Mil Mod site

If we moved to a different venue, then we would lose the special atmosphere that Euro has always had, and a number of people I spoke to, including traders, were keen that despite the difficulties of the venue that it is best left there.

Robin is perhaps forgetting that you need people to create an atmosphere.
Traders though are happy to stay there ?

I too have just read the posts on the MMM Forum.
Mr Buckland If you read this. You need to wake up mate as that wet feeling you have around your ankles is the Channel your sleepwalking into.
I agree Malcolm, we need Euro here in the UK, but it needs updating and a new spark put into it. Robin say's they are thinking of things to do, but the space itself is limited, the hotels are pretty ropey ( fighting outside the southcliff as usual from the nightclub underneath!!! ) and on the whole the place is outdated.
The old girls past it, we need a new model to gain interest again.

What I am trying to say, is that at the moment Einhoven has replaced Euro as the quality show that Euro use to be.
Well Robin Bucklands View of the traders being ok with it was very, wrong indeed. He never asked me or anyone around me what they thought. I know one thing WE will not be doing it until things change. and has been said I don't think they will as they don't do change and so Euro will die. I will go as I have said as a punter and to meet friends it's a lads weekend away but nothing more.

As for releasing figures for the show I think most of us did? yes we could hold our powder in the hope of people coming to the show but in all honesty I don't think that will make a difference. you can still see them on the net after the show. so you still don't have to come as all you have to do is wait a day or two longer and you will see the releases.

May be if Robin did talk to us and listened to what our thoughts were then maybe he would have some idea as to what has to be done to revive the show. but I think this will not happen and so I will not hold my breath.



I agree Patrick has made some very valid points about the show.
Where did you go to get a beer, you got ripped, I payed £3.80 for a pint.

As for best of show there have been a few AFV BoS winners in the past. Fantasy seems to favourite at the moment.
Here's a long short, but would it work?
Best of Show awards for Best Vehicle including Aircraft and Ships, Best Military Figure, and Best Fantasy.
Is that something that could work. It could make the punters of those categories happy.


Scuba... off course. And the best joint in town The Chambers.
Becks, sometimes bottles

Last time AFV BOS was 2008(?) Phil Stutchinkass Panzer IV but only because he had 11 (eleven) scratched soldiers on deck.
Before that, Marijn v Gils had his Christmas diorama with Jagdpanzer and crashed jeep as BOS but was also a decade ago.
As for fantasy as BOS.... there are only two since the start of Euro.
(In 2010 there was the Dragon Slayer by Chris Clayton and this year Atonement by Kontraros & crew. In between only historic pieces (Jesus Gamara, 2x Gustavo Gil/ Zapatero and one vignet with King Louis(?) on a horse. Yellow cloth and blue umbrella. Don't remember the name).
I agree two BOS awards is a huge step forward. SMC has changed that a couple of years ago because you can't compare a figure to a tank.

I do understand the AFV guys.
In competition there are 20+ figure classes and only 4 modelclasses where one is full scratch. Added a couple of classes this year with planes and ships but has anyone seen some announcements about that. I didn't realize there were new classes added once I entrered te
Same is with trade. 20+ figure traders and only four(!) kit traders which two of them sells smelly old boxes for high prices. And why add ships and planes to competition if there aren't any boats and little planes for sale at the show.
How do you please modellers for two days if you don't have for sale what their interest is.
No wonder SMC is doing well. They have 80+ kit and figure traders and most their merchandise is versatile and brand new.
At the first five or six SMC shows the tank/diorama always won from the figure. It's the nature (or background) of the show so the figurepainters were dissapointed and start complaining.
Small jesture by the organisation to have two BOS awards and both hobbies (models and figures) grew from that moment on. Because both hobbies were taken seriously.
hi Nick

Maybe it has,but I don't give a t*** about Eindhoven, I care about Euro as many of us do, and in my opinion its a show worth trying to save.
i can see where you're coming from, but the location is spot on, the venue is out of date granted, but the chances of it being modernised are nil.
The building may have a preservation order on it, and any major works would cost millions and I can't see that being spent on it. So we have to stay or move to somewhere totally different, which in turn could create further issues.
As for the trouble out side the Southcliffe, that's their problem and fault if they don't deal with it.
You could go anywhere and get trouble, that's the way of the world.
Atmosphere is created by those attending, so as most of us weren't happy with this year's event, thus the crap atmosphere.
Stu and Ian are right on with their comments, someone needs to listen to the issues rather than sweep them under the carpet.

I wonder if an on-line petition would help?
Just a thought.

Just sent a mail to robin buckland with what I told him at the show and more.

It has most of the ideas from here and more.

I will be going next year,,,thats the heart the passion for this show, the lees, towards Folkestone. I just cant see it fail without trying.

Why ,,,I don't know. I have been for 31 years I think,, as punter and trader, its special for me.

Ian,, at present ellies pick up all the costs for the show , next year you do,,,make a loss !!!

To my fellow traders , an idea, we all save something for the show, an exclusive which wont be available for a few months ,, make it cheaper for the show if bought with something else ...lets do our bit to change the apathy about coming to euro.

Lets make it special again

Just sent a mail to robin buckland with what I told him at the show and more.

It has most of the ideas from here and more.

I will be going next year,,,thats the heart the passion for this show, the lees, towards Folkestone. I just cant see it fail without trying.

Why ,,,I don't know. I have been for 31 years I think,, as punter and trader, its special for me.

Ian,, at present ellies pick up all the costs for the show , next year you do,,,make a loss !!!

To my fellow traders , an idea, we all save something for the show, an exclusive which wont be available for a few months ,, make it cheaper for the show if bought with something else ...lets do our bit to change the apathy about coming to euro.

Lets make it special again


I like your idea Stuart. An exclusive figure for Euro. Yes!
When Euro first started there was no internet as such, traders used the show to launch figures, so I can see this working. There will always be the odd person who will wait for the next release but there are a lot who want to paint the latest asap.
Hi Stu yes your right mate about Ellie's do's pick up the cost but something has to change. just a thought maybe an open letter to the organisers stating what we feel needs to be done with regards to improving the show that would be a start. after all without the trade it will not run. if they feel that their is a strong feeling that it has to change we might just get the leverage to force them to do it.

I do love the show but as I have said we all put a lot of hard work in getting ready for it and when it's as down as it was then you have to draw a line and say enough is enough. If we can enforce a change for the better then I for one will look again at the trade side but till then it's still a no from me.

A show figure to be revealed at the show is a great idea it's something we could try ( i.e the once that are going) and do it at a special price then measure the response and see if by doing so it makes a difference.

in answer to a statement made in this thread their was show offers on from some of the traders I know we had one on and it made no difference just not the punters through the door. or was it as said they could get what they wanted on line later. (I know we are going to have a sale starting this weekend i will put up details later)

Very nice, thanks for time...(y)

I have a question; are we allow to bring the same figure many times on different years????
I must say all the negative reviews posted here are VERY distressing. Attending Euromilitaire has always been one of my modelling dreams from the time I first heard about it by reading Military Modelling in the 1990's. I finally got my chance in 2009, and have ever since dreamed of the day where I can afford to return.

Reading all of the negatives, I can't help but wonder if you all really understand what it is you have and how fortunate you are. I am a teacher living in Western Canada, Edmonton to be specific. The closest show I attended this year was in Toronto, over 2900 km away, and it cost me roughly $1500 in air fare and hotel costs to attend. That doesn't include the money I lost from my salary in order to pay for my supply teacher, or the money I spent at the vendors tables once at the show. And I was HAPPY to have been able to pay it, because the alternative is no shows at all. As it is , there might be 6 people in all of Alberta that do what we do as a hobby, so there is no local club, no mentors, and nothing that we can use as inspiration. Everything I know about painting I've had to figure out myself, primarily by looking at your work on-line and pinching the best ideas. Only recently have a few of us gotten together once a month for a coffee to talk figures, and by a few, I literally mean three of us. (Shout out to Rick Taylor, and Ray Welshman, the other members in good standing of the Alberta Soldier Society, or A.S.S.)

I am not crying out for sympathy here, but merely that my story/situation could serve as a reminder of just how lucky so many of you are, to live a small enough country that you can travel easily, and where the hobby enjoys a certain level of popularity, and last of all that you have a show that is the standard for many others around the globe. So, by all means fix the problems that need fixing, support the traders because they are one of the best parts of the show, do what you need to do, but DO NOT talk about cancelling Euro. I am retiring in 2 years, and am planning on coming back to Euro, so I would really appreciate it if there was a Euro to come back to.
I've missed the past 2 Euros because of big family events so no comments to make on this last one.
Although I always enter the competition (100% record of getting b***er all :ROFLMAO:) the main reason was to get together with the usual suspects and fellow painters and was really looking forward to getting back in the groove for next year ...... but!.......
Well we're all well used to the inevitable post Euro post mortem, normally around judging, but this year has, I think, really started to pick over the whole organisational bones.
Clearly the level of dissatisfaction for many traders, competitors and visitors has reached new highs or lows.
This prompted me to do a comparison between a trip from Glasgow to Euro and one to Eindhoven. Basically to cut a long story short the travel costs including 3 nights accommodation is much the same. The journey to Eindhoven is quicker and to be honest just about everything appears a much higher standard.
Near enough 3 X the Traders, a fair number from the UK, and a load of belting demos.
As things stand it's SMC for me next year, I wish I could attend both but I couldn't swing it past the current wife.
Like Glenn, my first and only visit to Euro was in 2009 (where I had the pleasure of meeting Glenn and a bunch of other Planeteers) and I hope to come back to the event in the next couple of years.

I recall in 2009 that there was an undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the event and 7 years later the negative comments haven't changed. Euro may have its problems, but its still considered by most to be THE show for figure modellers around the world.

As someone who has organised an annual modelling event for the past 17 years (Western Australian Scale Model Expo) I can sympathise with the event organisers and the sense of frustration they must feel with all the complaints.
I can also sympathise with the regular attendees who see Euro being overtaken by other shows in Europe and suffering from high costs and relatively poor infrastructure. And an unwillingness on the part of the event organisers to change.

I travelled over 10,000 kilometres to attend Euro and I loved it. I would do it again if I could afford it. Not for the competition, not for the new releases, not for the medals or glory, but for the great people and the camaraderie.
I've missed the past 2 Euros because of big family events so no comments to make on this last one.
Although I always enter the competition (100% record of getting b***er all :ROFLMAO:) the main reason was to get together with the usual suspects and fellow painters and was really looking forward to getting back in the groove for next year ...... but!.......
Well we're all well used to the inevitable post Euro post mortem, normally around judging, but this year has, I think, really started to pick over the whole organisational bones.
Clearly the level of dissatisfaction for many traders, competitors and visitors has reached new highs or lows.
This prompted me to do a comparison between a trip from Glasgow to Euro and one to Eindhoven. Basically to cut a long story short the travel costs including 3 nights accommodation is much the same. The journey to Eindhoven is quicker and to be honest just about everything appears a much higher standard.
Near enough 3 X the Traders, a fair number from the UK, and a load of belting demos.
As things stand it's SMC for me next year, I wish I could attend both but I couldn't swing it past the current wife.

Hi Del

I can understand and appreciate your feelings about this, but ones things for sure, we'll miss your company.:(

I think many of you know how passionate I am about Euro, it is without doubt my favourite show. I've done volunteer work for goodness knows how many years, certainly over 20. Purely because of my affection for the show. I don't get to see much of the show or stop for a chat as much as I'd like to, although I've always had a great time and returned home happy,but this is the first year I've come away disappointed.
It was disheartening to see a drop in numbers, this effected the atmosphere and the show, although from what's been said there are other contributing factors too.
I'm sure having shows either side of Euro contributed to the cause, and I appreciate, people can't afford to attend them all.
From personal messages I've received, and those posted here shows there is a definite wish for the show to be restored to its former glory.
Provided the organisers listen, Euro will be back and take its rightful place as the Top Show.

Hi Del

I can understand and appreciate your feelings about this, but ones things for sure, we'll miss your company.:(


It's like everything in life Malc you've got to make choices. Does Euro provide enough added value to justify spending £600+ on a social weekend? It did once but not anymore.
Could it be simply that as a business venture, which it now is, it has simply run its course.
OK it's been 3 years since I've been so I can only go with what I've seen posted and been told by mates but the show has been in terminal decline for a while.
The lack of effort is in this instance simply illustrated by the failure to engage reenactors to 'dress' the scene. I know the comeback is the residents objections but not all historical societies use guns.
It's almost as if there's a deliberate intention to let it die by no investment until such time as the participants, traders and visitors have moved elsewhere.
I really hope not but if there is no significant sign of commitment to dramatically improve the show next year I'd be surprised if it sees out the decade