Well kept out of this one and now feel I should say something, I agree with Stu from (Stormtrooper) the show as flat all round some of the traders I chatted to did not cover the cost of the stand let alone the travel and Hotel. that's bad very very bad.
If we had not had trade orders it would have been a total disaster, we are still a very young company and still making our selves known to the figure world. I said it last year that we would not do Euro this year as the expense was not worth it to us as we do very well on the internet which is where our business is best served. but I was talked into it I said I would give it one more try. well as far as Ellie's Miniatures is concerned we will not do it again that was the last time for us. we can not afford to do a show that is so flat traders can't even cover the cost of the trip.
I have only missed 3 shows in the 31 years it's been going and have to say this was the worst I've ever seen it. one great thing was that we caught up with old friends and made new one's. the whole thing was flat you could get into restaurants with ease and bars were much less full.
We would have done Eindhoven this year but we are away on a family holiday so could not make it. we will of course hope to book the show next year as that was the show that was talked about quite a lot. I will go to Euro as a Punter next year but not as a trader I can enjoy the social side and not have to worry and stress about covering the cost. I wish I could say different but I can't. The show has to change and soon or it will die. If in the future it changes and things get put in place to improve things and not use it as a cash cow for a company who I think cares very little about it.
My Thanks goes out to all the guys who made the nights out a great laugh, and to my good friend Juan Perez who made it to Euro for the first time and got a Bronze well done mate.