Thanks everybody for appreciate a French painters.
The paint was the defense of Rorkes Drift, strange for a French to paint British scene, but do not forget that in this time there's no photos as for all the people, and paints or the "dioramas" were the only way for a lot of people to have an idea of the event.
The Zulu war was particularly popular in France at this time. Do not forget that the most famous dead in this war, was a French, the son of Napoleon III.
For the painting "last cartridge", yes Ghalmit, it's a last stand scene.
Bazeille as i said is like Camerone for the French Colonial Troops, the "Chasseur" on the right is waiting for the end. De Neuville put him here constrating with the determination of the Colonials on the left. Showing (choosing an Elite line Soldier) also how desperate was the situation;
Also the painter choose an elite line soldier because lines troops were present in Bazeille.
Last thing, if you look, there's only one French soldier shooting.
An to finish another painting from A.De Neuville :
Perhaps people saw the vignette in the last Euro !!
Hope its takes gold !
I 'll send other pictures of others great French military painters as Georges SCOTT :
An all my apologise for my "frenglish".