A Fixture
The Alexandros Miniatures 200mm bust of General Lasalle.
A great start my friend. I like the dark green. What colors?? are you using?
Thanks. I’m using the Andrea Green set for the greens. Specifically, I’m using the first shadow shade as my base. Period portraits of Lasalle show his pelisse as being a very dark green shade.
I will have to get this set, I have several 95th Rifles figures in the queue. Nice work so far.
Oh, thank you, I have that color!I really like these Andrea sets. That said, I like the Vallejo Bronze Green as a good color for the Rifles.
I will have to get this set, I have several 95th Rifles figures in the queue. Nice work so far.
Cracking start to this bust Kurt. Lovely flesh work and the pelisse looks as though it’s coming on really nicely. It would be great to see a step by step re your techniques for the lace-something that you always carry off so well on your figures.
Attached is a photo of an officer’s jacket I took in the Museum in Waterloo in 2016. When I took the photo I checked it against the jacket and it IS this colour. Hope it helps.
Fantastic Kurt. Its all GREAT, but I especially like the fur trim and the tassels! Looking forward to more WIP posts. All is well here in GA, hope for the same for you in SC!