WIP Critique Grenadier Drummer 1870- Ellie's Miniatures 75mm


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Thanks Colin... Yes it is very good to be getting towards finishing... finally!!!!!!!!! Hopefully by bringing it to a successful completion I'll be a little more motivated on the next one. Just couldn't get myself in gear these last couple of months.

Maybe closing one out will break the dryspell

Hi Colin,
Looking good Mate, The ground work and grounded drum are coming together well.
May I ask, what are the the gold marks between the holes on the drum hoops. I don't recall seeing these before?
Not too far to go now, looking forward to his completion
All the very best,
Thanks Keith. Always appreciate your input. The markings on the top and bottom outer rims are small, flaming grenades. They are sculpted on the drum, very nicely I might add. In my research, I found examples like this, with just the gilt grenades, and others with the grenades and a white scallop between the grenades. The second version struck me as a parade drum (and a little busy for me). The grenade pattern seems to be for Guard Grenadier and Chasseur battalions, while the plain blue rim would've been for Line battalions.

I think (at least I guess) ;)

Hey Colin,
In the last 12 hours every French Guard drum I have looked at has these additions.......Right back to 1804 at least.
Must get my eyesight checked.
Thanks for your reply and for sharing your research. I am sure that your theory is pretty much on the money.
Now I feel that I should do something with a French drum in it to compensate my ignorance to my French drinking Mates here.
All the best Mate and I hope that this revisit has re lit your old lovable enthusiasm.
Thanx Keith, Ian and Taff,
Keith, you must do a Waterloo Old Guard drummer as pennence, make sure you have the right number of flames on the grenades ;)
Ian, I hope to get the lad plucked down on the rock tonight and post pics.
Taff, give it a go, the fig goes together a breeze and the cast is an easy paint.

Haha Thanx Daniel, that will go right in the reference bank.

OK, let's call this guy 95% done. Just the rifle (only the stock left) and some minor touch ups I just noticed.

Thanks for looking in... any comments or critiques are welcome. Let me know if anything needs attention before I call this a wrap.

Nice job Colin - I really admire how you've integrated the various plants, flowers and grasses in such a natural way; mine always come out looking too stage-managed when I try this, but you've nailed it nicely. And the drummer's no slouch either!

Kudos dude!

Whole think is looking terrific. I might have gone darker on the rear cut away of the rock to differentiate it from the face. Small comment though. It all hangs together really well.
Thanks Roger and Ian, after a few false starts and some discouraging moments I didn't think I'd ever get through this one... In the end, I am pleased with how he's turned out.
And thank you Brian, I had the exact same issue with my groundwork. I find working small areas at a time helps. I haven't been able to make ruins look naturally chaotic (like your latest 2 WWII vignettes), my "rubble" ends up looking far too orderly. :(


I like a lot this little fella and what you did. Groundwork looks great too!
Very nice atmosphere, my friend! You did a great job! Can't wait to see it in person.
Cheers and looking forward to the final pictures!
Zeno :)
Many thanx Pedro, Keith and Zeno.
I believe, my ground work has improved manyfold in the last 3 years and I owe any improvement to helpful advice I got from Planeteers and even more to the man Zeno himself... Your work, your seminar at the club meeting and our long discussions over smokes and coffee at the shows have been invaluable.
I will have this guy done for the meeting next week and another started as well.


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