Has PF become boring?


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Hi Guys

Catching up on this thread , certainly interesting reading the comments so valid points nice one Wayne on posing the question .

As regards sub forums ...yes they can be created very recently we have had a new one at ChrisR suggestion


As with all new things once folk get to know about it ...it will grow with information ........if you have any threads you all would like moved then pm me with link and I will do so ( arj has done this already )

This is everybody's site and all ideas are very welcome

What is a kagemusha ?

Hi Wayne

just googled ......

In Japanese, kagemusha is a term used to denote a political decoy. It is set in the Sengoku period of Japanese history and tells the story of a lower-class criminal who is taught to impersonate a dying daimyō to dissuade opposing lords from attacking the newly vulnerable clan.

Looks like the time is right for the return of Bertorelli Enterprises.
As ever the plan is to offer the membership services that meet the range of needs, desires and wishes of our planet community.
As a responsible entrepreneur I take safety very seriously and as the bulk of the membership for some reason are against the use of animals and orphans to test products I relied on the use of Crash Test Ronnie.
Having disappeared for a while, Crash Test Ronnie has resurfaced under a new identity. His new job has allowed for a planned enterprise to raise its level of service to you the customer. Whilst he might be reluctant to participate I'm sure that the threat of public disclosure will have its usual result :D
As a bit of a teaser this particular project has been in preparation for a while and has made use of unemployed immigrants, the homeless and has made a contribution to keeping our small high street shops in business.
The second business is a whole new take on modelling which is bound to offend many, including modellers and painters as well as manufacturers and recasters.
I've checked out the legal position and I'm on safe ground :D
More to follow next week.

Well you do have some strange needs and desires Del :D As for the new identity my computer of 10 years old went tits up and the new one won't let me on with my old ID
Well you do have some strange needs and desires Del :D As for the new identity my computer of 10 years old went tits up and the new one won't let me on with my old ID

Common translation is "Shadow Warrior"......taken from the film of the same name (Kagemusha) by Akira Kurosawa :sneaky:

Hope the nipples were hard and it was a black and white movie, other then that I thought your avatar was a pissed off Indian sitting by a campfire contemplating what he was going to do to the guy that pissed him off. I guess I should have looked a bit closer..............................................and put on my optivisors.

Looks can be deceiving mate :confused:

Yes,...I agree...I'm starting to think Derek is actually Marty Feldman with optivisors ,...However,...I think the flesh tones look great, other then the forehead and chin may need to be toned down a bit.


P.S...I might also state that Marty was a great looking guy when he "walked this way".
And this thread is going where?

It's the Lounge......... it has always gone where the membership takes it.
The strength of pF has always been its scope for a wee bit harmless banter that provides a diversion from the more serious discussions.
Where things have got out of hand the moderators have always taken appropriate action.
Should a 'dead hand' be applied to particlarly the Lounge that would bethe end of my long involvement with the forum.
It's the Lounge......... it has always gone where the membership takes it.
The strength of pF has always been its scope for a wee bit harmless banter that provides a diversion from the more serious discussions.
Where things have got out of hand the moderators have always taken appropriate action.
Should a 'dead hand' be applied to particlarly the Lounge that would bethe end of my long involvement with the forum.


The Lounge will never be a dead hand ......

Thanks for your comments

As relative new comer to the band of merry men ( not sure if we have any ladies ) I have been really impressed with the response I have been given when asking a question and in fact have actually met a couple of members who have been more than helpful. Perhaps we could liven things up a bit by having our own in house competitions, different classes, different levels with various scales judged by other members of course. The works can be sent in via photo or even a short video link of the figure , just an idea not sure if its been done before .........

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