Every once in a while a thread really catches on...but generally it’s pretty dull fare. Fine for those part of the inside group but otw not so much
I do find the inevitable useless high fives a pain...considered comment that might be additive or a simple like would make things easier to follow..not everything is best ever...
''The nonsense that does appear.''There is a difference between encouragement, critique and the nonsense that does appear..
As relative new comer to the band of merry men ( not sure if we have any ladies ) I have been really impressed with the response I have been given when asking a question and in fact have actually met a couple of members who have been more than helpful. Perhaps we could liven things up a bit by having our own in house competitions, different classes, different levels with various scales judged by other members of course. The works can be sent in via photo or even a short video link of the figure , just an idea not sure if its been done before .........
I was one of the “masters” from way back. I view the site most days. I contribute when and where I can. I have not been an active painter for over 10 years. As they say. Life changes and you have new priorities. I am more than willing to contribute in any way that I can.
I have been following the ‘face painting in oils” thread and feel the urge to present my techniques on that. I was always an oil painter, did a few figures in acrylics before they were the rage. I just didn’t like the techniques that acrylics require.Much prefer painting wet on wet with oils.
An excellent site for seeing others' work and showcasing my own. Sometimes I find the work on here inspiring, and other times, overwhelming.