WIP Imperial Guard Foot Artillery


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That really is a brilliant piece but I understand what you say about making a kit. Apart from anything making Historex is slightly quicker than scratch building so one gets to build a few more in the time available.

If you had the same chest infection as me it was a savage one so pleased you are recovered. Also glad you have sussed the new forum mechanics.

The build of my Imperial Guard Foot Artillery gunner is finally finished. The overhead lighting in my little light box is super-critical but, 1. I'll try and get the finish a bit cleaner next time and 2. a decent paint job can hide a multitude of sins (here's hoping). I noticed the cartridge box badge I had on was for infantry, not artillery - so that came off and I've ordered the correct item from Dover and I've also ordered a resin Charleville from IPA3 so I might use that eventually...and the bayonet thingy broke off the sword so that'll have to be replaced. Aside from all that he's turned out reasonably well I think, all things considered, and I can get painting now. 🎨 👍


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Yeah not bad mate! Seriously though it's a damned good build, anatomy, uniform detail, drape of the cloth and pose are all excellent. The IPA3 muskets are really nice and come in an intricate frame of printed bars, totally worth it.

Yeah not bad mate! Seriously though it's a damned good build, anatomy, uniform detail, drape of the cloth and pose are all excellent. The IPA3 muskets are really nice and come in an intricate frame of printed bars, totally worth it.

Thanks Simon👍 Those muskets look excellent and I'd had my finger over the 'buy it now' button for sometime...I think the cavalry muskets might get purchased too. 😊
This appears to be the right thread now.

The paint job’s coming on but my modelling isn’t quite as crisp as commercial stuff so getting it tidy has been a bit trickier - the dreaded oil sheen - which hope will down shortly - is annoying too.

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Nice start Paul, face is looking good. I know what you mean about it being harder to paint than a commercial piece. The little niggles only come to light when you start painting, but to be fair I'm sure you're the only person who knows they are there. I'm also pretty sure that most commercial sculptors have the same issues, they have the advantage of a second pair of eyes from whoever does the casting.

Nice work so far. If the oil sheen doesn't disappear to your satisfaction, try some AK Ultra Matte varnish over the top.