Completed LIGHT!


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I like this and thanks for being so bold on this painting. (y) It seems to be a love or hate thing. :unsure: I would love to see this in the flesh and wish I could paint a tenth as good. (y)(y)(y)
Just my opinion which is not worth much these days.:lol::lol:
First off I would like to say I have been in this hobby for about 3 weeks and I have been studding the works of the great masters for 30 years and I am an artist of traditional media.

I think DANILO is the most awesome painter I have seen because with any art, if your going to be remembered you need to take risks. For as long as we live we will remember this pirate with the lantern and how we liked or disliked it.

What I am having a hard time with is ( It's not easy to explain ) OK here goes, In a 2 dimensional painting the artist has 100% control or the light source so no matter what kind of light that's in the room the painting is in, the shadows in the painting don't change. But if I paint a mini every time I move it the light is going to change and my color compensation is going to be off. :thumb down: As of now the only way I can see this type of painting work is in some kind of shadow box where the artist has more control over the lighting.

Now DANILO has me thinking, can this work?

I also do think that last photo sheds a different light on the whole thing (pun intended), especially with the highlight on the shade side eyelid really popping out as it is. That photo really puts it into an enviroment and illustrates the point quite differently. Truly artistic in the classical sense...
Incidently, I certainly never hated the figure...just pointed out something that caught my eye originally.
I think if anyone who looks at this piece, and "hates" it...they have a problem.
Phil Bracco: Painting figures is really a matter of observing and studying, how different objects reacts under different light conditions, and personal preferences, I may not be the best painter in the world, I do okay, but I'm a good observer, seeing a piece like this, I cant help reacting on my observations, the best way to display this piece, would, in my humble oppinon be in a box, like petabali pointed out, where the light can be controlled. It certainly will have trouble looking convincing, if it takes 7 pictures under different light, to show it, one cant rely on such extravaganza at a figure show, or as a permanent display right?
There are certainly different oppions and references on painting figures versus reality, several people here have said their meaning, to say they “hate it“ is a bit over the top, I dont recall anyone saying that?, to add your comments, on that these people “have a problem“ ?? shall I understand it this way: anyone who dosent agree with you have a problem?? I think it speaks for itself who has a problem :sneaky: :) :unsure:
Most at the time I don't react when people are giving their meaning. You do, Phil do, and some others do.
Sometimes, it is better to debate in real life. I think this discussion is gonna be trowing to eachother with mud.
It has happen before, I think it is gonna happen now.
So you gave your opinion and that is fine. It's your point of vieuw how you look at a figure. I believe it is based on the study of old masters, like Rembrandt, Jeroen Bos, to name some Dutch Painters.
We never, i say never have the intention to paint like them. There are figurepainters who use purple and green for faces. Sometimes they look good, sometimes they don't in my opinion. The last year we see alot of "dead coalminers" ....on some figures it looks great, on others not. But it's not the style from (for instance) Rembrandt. So I think you don't like that to.
Figure painters use a 3D (or 2D if it is a flat figure) canvas. Therefore it will look always different in the way the figure painter use the lightsource in his paintwork.
For me, Danilo did some outstanding painting and lay the ladder very high to use the latern as light source. I doubt if there are figure painters who will try that.
Would you take the challenge?????? I'm not, it is very far for my skills.
I hope this discussion is ending with a good conversation and understanding without trowing anything to eachother.

Phil Bracco: Painting figures is really a matter of observing and studying, how different objects reacts under different light conditions, and personal preferences, I may not be the best painter in the world, I do okay, but I'm a good observer, seeing a piece like this, I cant help reacting on my observations, the best way to display this piece, would, in my humble oppinon be in a box, like petabali pointed out, where the light can be controlled. It certainly will have trouble looking convincing, if it takes 7 pictures under different light, to show it, one cant rely on such extravaganza at a figure show, or as a permanent display right?
There are certainly different oppions and references on painting figures versus reality, several people here have said their meaning, to say they “hate it“ is a bit over the top, I dont recall anyone saying that?, to add your comments, on that these people “have a problem“ ?? shall I understand it this way: anyone who dosent agree with you have a problem?? I think it speaks for itself who has a problem :sneaky: :) :unsure:

First of all, I agree with you about it kind of needs to be in a controlled would definitely compliment the piece to it's fullest (and what the artist is attempting). It's very true that you can't rely on perfect lighting conditions at a figure fact quite the opposite most times.
However, the "hate it" is a response to a poster saying "people either like it or hate it"...that's what I was referring to. I can't see anyone hating it , just by pointing out something that they felt was a bit off. In fact my post I went out of my way to explain that meticulously.
But how you got that I think that anyone who disagrees with me has a problem, is ...uh...your problem.
If that's the way you "understand" it, then you don't understand what I meant at all; way way off.

This was one my favourites at WE, I didn´t know who is the painter.
Congratulations for the World Master, well deserved!(y)
Congrats Danilo, was a great pleasure to take the oportunity to see it in details in the WE. The game between lights and shadows are amazing!
Really nice painting Danilo,

but if you take a look to the top of the lantern (the metal part who looks like a roof), the pirate should have his face and hand completely in the shade, and not in the light as you painted it.
Hi Danilo
Unforunately when you paint a figure the way you have you'll always get a difference of opinion as did R.Chacon a few Euros ago when he painted Andrea's pirate bust called "Moonlight".It caused a very lively debate at the time and went on to win a deserved Gold medal.I personnally loved it.

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