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I thought I would never get round to posting this project but I've finally managed to complete this latest piece which is the Scale 75 Mohawk Militia, I have long been a big fan of the movie 'Last of the Mohicans 'and when I saw this release earlier this year I felt I really wanted to paint it, I loved the pose and all the detail sculpted onto the figure but one thing I really did like was the red coat, with all these qualities I just had to have one.
When starting out on this project I wanted to capture a scene with water and set the figure within a scene like from the film, I went with various ideas but the one I decided on was a small waterfall, I remember various scenes in the film with the Indians moving through or past waterfalls so that was the idea I wanted to create, I had never modelled any falling water scenes so this was going to be a new venture for me,i remember at Euro Militaire a couple of years ago Deluxe Materials had a trade stand and the guy on the stand was demonstrating how to make moving water / waves, I revisited their website and found some very useful videos of how to use their water products, I contacted them and spoke to a very helpful lady who explained the different materials and what I was looking for, to create a waterfall effect I used 2 of their products, the first being 'Scenic Fibres 'these would be used to make the general body of the waterfall, the 2nd product was called 'Making Waves', this product is designed to create the ripples and waves of moving water, this product is so good it holds its shape on vertical surfaces and can be mixed with acrylic paints to vary the effects.
The backdrop I wanted was a rockface,for this I chose to use 'Model Railway Scenic Rock or Cork Bark', this product is as it says cork which I sealed with PVA mixed with water and white acrylic paint as a primer.
I painted the rock face in GW acrylic paints with GW washes and oil washes to get the effect I wanted, once this area was complete I added groundwork with Milliput.
I then started out on the water, lengths of scenic fibre were cut and placed in bulldog clips, applications of making waves followed, after 20mins you can start added the ripple effects into the water, I must point out that making waves dries to a clear finish, to get the white froth effect of the water you need to add acrylic white to the making waves mixture, I added small washes of GW turquoise very thin and added this to the effect, I copied many actual photos of real waterfalls and used these as a guide.
I added some green leaves from the MDP range, I hadn't used these before but I found them terrific, just what I wanted, these I added to the rockface at different spots, Ferns were added to the groundwork, these were from scalelink and made out of etch-brass, the tree stump with the long roots was all made out of Milliput as was the fallen tree trunk in the front foreground.
My good friend Ron Tamburrini supplied the base for me,i was just going to leave the base but I decided on a log cabin effect which was very evident of this historic period, I purchased 2 lengths of balsa dowel and cut these to length to fit the base,i then split them and superglued these to the outside of the base to get that log effect, a square was cut ready for the nameplate, Ron if your reading this I apologise for ruining the effect of your base.
The figure itself is a beautiful figure and one that I would recommend to anyone interested in this period,there's lots to paint and the best thing is you can let your imagination run wild up to a point, the figure was primed using Halfords grey car primer and undercoated in appropriate GW acrylic paints and finally finished in oils.
Please find below details of the product Suppliers :
Osprey Title - American Woodland Indians
Advanced terrain modelling - Richard Windrow
Hope you enjoy the photos,its a new camera so im still coming to terms with it all comments and criticism welcome.
Happy Modelling
Brian / Smudger

When starting out on this project I wanted to capture a scene with water and set the figure within a scene like from the film, I went with various ideas but the one I decided on was a small waterfall, I remember various scenes in the film with the Indians moving through or past waterfalls so that was the idea I wanted to create, I had never modelled any falling water scenes so this was going to be a new venture for me,i remember at Euro Militaire a couple of years ago Deluxe Materials had a trade stand and the guy on the stand was demonstrating how to make moving water / waves, I revisited their website and found some very useful videos of how to use their water products, I contacted them and spoke to a very helpful lady who explained the different materials and what I was looking for, to create a waterfall effect I used 2 of their products, the first being 'Scenic Fibres 'these would be used to make the general body of the waterfall, the 2nd product was called 'Making Waves', this product is designed to create the ripples and waves of moving water, this product is so good it holds its shape on vertical surfaces and can be mixed with acrylic paints to vary the effects.
The backdrop I wanted was a rockface,for this I chose to use 'Model Railway Scenic Rock or Cork Bark', this product is as it says cork which I sealed with PVA mixed with water and white acrylic paint as a primer.
I painted the rock face in GW acrylic paints with GW washes and oil washes to get the effect I wanted, once this area was complete I added groundwork with Milliput.
I then started out on the water, lengths of scenic fibre were cut and placed in bulldog clips, applications of making waves followed, after 20mins you can start added the ripple effects into the water, I must point out that making waves dries to a clear finish, to get the white froth effect of the water you need to add acrylic white to the making waves mixture, I added small washes of GW turquoise very thin and added this to the effect, I copied many actual photos of real waterfalls and used these as a guide.
I added some green leaves from the MDP range, I hadn't used these before but I found them terrific, just what I wanted, these I added to the rockface at different spots, Ferns were added to the groundwork, these were from scalelink and made out of etch-brass, the tree stump with the long roots was all made out of Milliput as was the fallen tree trunk in the front foreground.
My good friend Ron Tamburrini supplied the base for me,i was just going to leave the base but I decided on a log cabin effect which was very evident of this historic period, I purchased 2 lengths of balsa dowel and cut these to length to fit the base,i then split them and superglued these to the outside of the base to get that log effect, a square was cut ready for the nameplate, Ron if your reading this I apologise for ruining the effect of your base.
The figure itself is a beautiful figure and one that I would recommend to anyone interested in this period,there's lots to paint and the best thing is you can let your imagination run wild up to a point, the figure was primed using Halfords grey car primer and undercoated in appropriate GW acrylic paints and finally finished in oils.
Please find below details of the product Suppliers :
Osprey Title - American Woodland Indians
Advanced terrain modelling - Richard Windrow
Hope you enjoy the photos,its a new camera so im still coming to terms with it all comments and criticism welcome.
Happy Modelling
Brian / Smudger