The internet I know how to use.

Problem with those sites is you end up at the Best Western or Motel 8 - 7 miles from the show, driving a 3 cylinder rental and flying out of JFK at 4am on "mike's airways" connecting through Salt Lake City and arriving at Hart's field at 7pm. Thank you, no.:lol:
I travel for a living. The last thing I want or need is to be at the hospitality suite at 4:30 am doing shots with Cheeseman only to have to drive back to the hotel in my rented Yugo totally sauced and going 15MPH on the freeway (and thinking I'm going faster). Sometimes to me it's worth spending the extra dime.

In 2001 we were at the Ritz Carlton Buckhead (free w miles). Great hotel, excellent food, staying 15 minutes away from the show sucked even if it was free.
Whenever at a show I find it (for me anyways) much better to stay at the venue hotel. You can get slammed, stumble upstairs or down (or as in Herrera's case be carried), wake up, shower, eat downstairs and do it all over again. For me it's not so hard, since I use miles and go to 1, maybe two shows a year. If I went to all of them I'd be begging for roomates and staying at "aunt Nedda's boarding house" if I had to.
But thanks anyway. Don't mind me, I'm just bitter I can't go due to schedule conflicts - especially since such an illustrious crowd is going this year. As I said above, if I could go, I'd complain about the fare but I would have suckered it up.