On the Evening of Waterloo


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A Fixture
Jan 12, 2012
N.W. England
As a child I saw this painting in the Walker art Gallery in Liverpool.
It made a huge impression on me first of all because of the scale of the painting was so big when I was 6-7 years old, and also because the figures appeared to be the same scale as my action man/GI Joe figures.

When I began model making I remembered the painting and realised that the central figure was the Airfix grenadier figure I had made.
03 Evening of Waterloo.jpg

I have always wanted to make the whole scene portrayed by Ernest Crofts RA in 1879.
I have now begun as a project to recreate the whole painting, in 1/30th and 1/32nd scales mixing Airfix and Historex kits and spare parts.

It is quite important for you to understand this is to be a model of the painting verbatim, and will include all the innumerable mistakes of uniform depiction .
I know what they are and quite frankly I just don't care !:D

The project will be broken down into 4 sections to build groups of figures.

I would like to thank in advance all the members of Planet figure over the last year who have offered old kit parts, spares and have questioned, encouraged, and pointed out my folly in equal measure ! Thanks chaps.

So here we go:

Part one- The Grenadiers.
I have used Historex legs body and coat tails tacked together to create the stance of the Officier standard bearer. The Bonnet a poil and head are Airfix and the raquettes and Plume are Historex.
A collar from Duro putty, the plume and bonnet fur painted with thin poly cement and heat detailed with a pyrogravure hot needle point.
The grenadiers are all made from the same basic Airfix kit. The first figure is the standard kit for nostalgic reasons, (he started the whole thing off after all).
The other figures have had replacement heads either Hornet or Airfix multipose with sideburns and moustaches added in Duro.

Altering the angles of heads has given each fifure an individual character.

Part two soon, when I have completed all 11 figure conversions.

Thanks for looking.
'Vive la Republique'

04 evening of waterloo.jpg
I take my Sombrero off to you Paul.That mate is a job and a half. Are you including the coach and gun team.
How much will the extension in the loft cost to house it???

yes Mick E V E R Y T H I NG !

Moo hoo ha ha ha ha ha haaaar.
no extention possible Mick ... if I did extend upstairs I would have to pay rent for that apartment too :)

It would have been easier in 30mm flats eh ?

It would and I nearly said that but stopped myself because quite frankly I find "I wish it had legs, was a bust, was 54mm/75mm/90mm/120mm,metal, resin" very boring and don't want to join that crowd. ;)
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to say what's been on my mind for ages. :D
It would and I nearly said that but stopped myself because quite frankly I find "I wish it had legs, was a bust, was 54mm/75mm/90mm/120mm,metal, resin" very boring and don't want to join that crowd. ;)
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to say what's been on my mind for ages. :D

Lol.....you forgot one !.

"At least I paint both sides of mine". Guffaw guffaw guffaw !

Paul, have you set yourself a time limit for this or are you just going to go with it and see what happens? I've had loads of ideas for big projects but am always afraid I'll lose interest.

I decided last year once I had everything ready that if I messed about I would not even get it started Roger.
So I cleared he bench completely.
Part done and unopened kits have all been packed away and this is all I am planning to do until complete.

when it's done it's done is all I will say about the length of the project because it will hit problems along the way.

For example I got bored last week and put this together whilst waiting for some green stuff to cure.
30em Dragons Sapeur logis chef ..........
thruthfully all because I found the pipe !!


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Paul, you are Nuts, in the nicest way. This is one hell of a project, I take my hat of to you.
Good luck with this one. Looks like a years supply of paint in this project. Best regards

Thanks Bob.
I have a litre of Mek poly cement too there is so much mud, 2 ditches too and will have to add all the groundwork by electrostac applicator.......
mad I am indeed and loving it, I promise to say 'Wibble' twice a week, ( got the dvd box set for xmas btw).
thanks for looking in.

Thanks Bob.
I have a litre of Mek poly cement too there is so much mud, 2 ditches too and will have to add all the groundwork by electrostac applicator.......
mad I am indeed and loving it, I promise to say 'Wibble' twice a week, ( got the dvd box set for xmas btw).
thanks for looking in.

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with R