WIP RJ’s workbench 23-3


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Looks like my favourite beach, nice.

Cheers Simon

Oh thanks a bunch, now I have visions of you in a 1920’s costume “strutting” your stuff

The base works coming along nicely Robert

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime


01F82CE1-01D3-4884-9B1E-B29E8E4EF797.jpeg ....sorry RJ couldn’t resist ...lol
With the Dayan figure done, the workbench cleaned and some free time I started another figure.
Gonna try to model Orde Wingate in 1944 this time. Again reworked an Hornet head. Sun helmet is also from Hornet. Carved and drilled the head out of the helmet to use it for this project. Mannequin is ready, clothing is next.




Thanks for watching,
Hi Robert

Hope you had a good Christmas

The Dayan piece looks great , lovely painting as always

Wingate is a too often forgotten, a inspiration to his men

He’s certainly coming along nicely

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Nude, eating an onion and chewing out his subordinates ….gonna look for reference pictures!

Well ...if you find reference pics .............

Garlic and onion around the neck ...to ward off mosquitoes.......bet he was popular with the ladies wearing that ...lol

Look forward to seeing more...I think ...LOL

Happy benchtime

Superb start, and what a lovely workbench....


Well, not really a workbench, it has some multipurpose functions if necessary in my own little room in the souterrrain.

Here is a little impression:




I do my modelling here, have a little library with my reference, modelling, military history and biography books, a part of my daily comicstrip and Blueberry collection, books on comic strips, cartooning and illustration, my painted figures, some nostalgia, sketchbooks and original comic strip artwork. I keep my modelling stuff neatly stored and organized in the little cabinet and closet. I have my figure bases stored in the shed.

Also a little progress on the Wingate character..


all the best,
Good heavens, did you tidy up first? I did have my own room once but only for about 3 months when one of the children moved back in. Wingate is looking good, nice beard. What figure set donated the boots and have you etched the seams and welts etc? Looking forward to seeing him come together.

Cheers Simon
Thanks Simon,

I always keep the room tidy. The work table is of course organized chaos when I'm working. But I do have a strict rule to clean up after each session and prepare it for the next session. That gives me a lot of effective sculpting and painting time. I think the shoes are from Callsign. The folds and seams are simply sculpted with toothpick and small needle.

Wow, that room is amazing. Sooo tidy.

Do you mean as in the old communication devices? Now that really is weird......;):)

Good work, but I am disappointed he appears to have clothes on.....

Thanks Nigel.
No communication devices allowed in my room! No distractions and connection with the outer world.
Just modelling and the stories of the greatest western hero ever in comic strips


Sorry, I couldn’t find any reference and my wife started to ask questions about my search history on Google..


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