Hi Robert
Great puttywork , natural folds and creases
Look forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime
Great puttywork , natural folds and creases
Look forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime
Very nice, personally I don't get on with Duro too well but I'm probably in the minority there. Interesting building from the legs up, I do, it just seems to.make sense. Really love how you do the drapery on the uniform, very educational for me.
Cheers Simon
I'm always humbled watching these sculpts being created, fantastic work.
Hi Robert,
How many sources of inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
May I ask how do you proceed to make folds and creases? I mean: do you have a scheme in mind, depending on the posture or you follow a kind of "istinct"?
I'm always full of doubts when approaching to sculpt them ... thanks in advance!
Beautiful work RJ and thanks for the lesson with creases most informative, he's coming along very nicely.
Cheers Simon
Great sculpting, he's progressing nicely.
Really good progress on him. The pose is looking great.
Lovely work RJ, this is looking really good. And thanks for sharing all the info on your sculpting tools and approach.
Hi Robert,
thank you so much for spending time to show your tools and your way of modelling, very appreciated!
And immediatly after theory comes practice with the update of mr. Wingate ... Well done!
Staying tuned for next steps.
Very nice rescue, I wondered at the belt but he does seem to wear it quite high anyway. Love what you did with the hands, something I try to avoid because they always end up looking like sausages.
Cheers Simon
More excellent work, this is coming along really nicely.
I'm always in awe in watching a piece being sculpted and come to life.
the roller coaster is also not standing stil with you hébut nice to see how you make figures,that must not be easy
very lovely work
That's looking good, are you doing the right arm separate or just going to add a wire to build on?
Cheers Simon