Peter Day
A Fixture

I was recently contacted by the ever wonderful Nap to see if I wanted this review copy of RP Models' Guerilla Child bust. After he'd sewn his hand back on, he promptly sent it to me via a very delayed post (Covid, winter storms) and much nervous waiting.
This one should take me a bit longer than normal:

It's actually only missing the lower legs, as, despite the box art photo, the hips are also included. He's covered in equipment - various bags and pouches, a net full of fruit, water gourd, bugle, pistol, dagger, and a hobby horse to remind us that he's still a child.
Another positive is that the civilian clothes allow for any combination of colours, offering quite a bit of freedom.
I've had a bit of initial play and there appears to be very little clean-up to do and the fit is perfect. The detail and texturing is exemplary.
Nap has already done a thorough kit review (could you provide a link Nap?) so I won't preamble further. No promises, as this scares me to death........