Completed RP Models Guerilla Child Bust


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Peter Day

A Fixture
Aug 23, 2015

I was recently contacted by the ever wonderful Nap to see if I wanted this review copy of RP Models' Guerilla Child bust. After he'd sewn his hand back on, he promptly sent it to me via a very delayed post (Covid, winter storms) and much nervous waiting.

This one should take me a bit longer than normal:


It's actually only missing the lower legs, as, despite the box art photo, the hips are also included. He's covered in equipment - various bags and pouches, a net full of fruit, water gourd, bugle, pistol, dagger, and a hobby horse to remind us that he's still a child.

Another positive is that the civilian clothes allow for any combination of colours, offering quite a bit of freedom.

I've had a bit of initial play and there appears to be very little clean-up to do and the fit is perfect. The detail and texturing is exemplary.

Nap has already done a thorough kit review (could you provide a link Nap?) so I won't preamble further. No promises, as this scares me to death........
I will enjoy it Nap, and profuse thanks for thinking of me.

It's now cleaned up and ready for paint:


RP had removed most the casting blocks so it was just a case of cleaning up a few mould lines. I prefer to leave most of the gear off to be painted separately, though I have added the satchel and cartridge box at this stage as they cover quite wide areas of the coat.
Hi Peter

No thanks needed

Good prepwork , good idea to leave most of the gear off

Look forward to seeing the colours your going to use ...many combinations possible

Happy benchtime

Hi Peter
A very edgy time due to postal delays ...must remember stamps next time
Hand healing better now ....superglue worked !!
Here's the link to the review

Just enjoy it , no rush ...following with interest

Happy benchtime

Afternoon Peter

I guess that will mean the 2/3rd figure will be done by???????????????

Tuesday then! LOL

Have fun, it looks interesting


Steve H
Phil - No pressure then!

Hugo - I'll do my very best with this beautiful sculpt. Thanks for looking in.

The face:


Just lovely to paint - a perfectly smooth and clean clean surface to work on. I did start the hat, but that's now soaking in Dettol - my approach to that needs a re-think.
Great start on the face Peter. As you say, the casting is really crisp and clean and there is some great texture detail on this figure so looking forward to seeing your take on it.

Morning Peter

Great start, the face looks really well sculpted, he seems very focused in a childlike way on loading the blunderbuss?

He initially looked angry, when you see the head on its own, but in context with the whole sculpt it is more than you first see.

Looks like you will be well occupied with the remaining figure and all the equipment.

Enjoy the painting, and a great start


Steve H
Morning Steve

It's a lovely sculpt, so very realistic. He reminds me of Murillos urchin, very Spanish:


I also worked on the hat, but I found I didn't like the effect of the light straw colour . I felt it needed to be darker to frame the face, so I spent an our or two sanding off the woven texture and will paint it as brown felt.

As you say, this one is going to keep me occupied for a while.
Some progress:


The front of the figure is more or less done.

As you can see, I decided on green for the coat (combinations of Vallejo Deep Green and Light Green) with brass buttons (Gold and Old Gold). The breeches were done with mixes of Vallejo Flat Earth and Buff. There is still quite a lot of tidying up and detailing still to do, but first I will work around the back, starting with the right side.

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