WIP Stormtrooper Officer, Royal Horse Guards 1830


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Hi Geoff

Very nice was it by chance you began using the pearl/colour mix ?

......and we have the medal as well now ...liking it !


Thanks Nap, the pearl thing I think I read about on the web somewhere and notice my local craft shop stocked, so have been playing about with it for about a year, i think it is, now.
I've had the medal, it's only a copy, for a few decades, I collected medals for a bit but they started to get a bit pricey so packed it in, sold most but kept a few, this one included.

Painted the highlights of the plume very light brush strokes with not too much paint on it, first Black Grey, then Chocolate Brown, then German Grey and finally London Grey. I did a little bit of dry-brushing using a very light grey Artist's oils on the blue of the tunic and across the medal ribbon.

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The bust is now finished, extremely happy with the outcome with my first large use of the various paint colours mixed with the pearl medium. Just the base to do then in the cabinet with him.
Thanks for all your interest.

Geoff ,

Job well done , you worked wonders on the metallic . Master at work, they said the old masters are the best !

Makes you wonder what s next , will it have LEGS ( Only for Nap ) LOL .


Many thanks Barrie, I am so pleased with him.

Next will be another Stormtrooper BUST, this one their French Hussar 1870-71 Franco Prussian War, start him in the next couple of days.

I’m playing catch up on the WIP forum and I think you’ve done an amazing job on this fine busy. As First Empire cuirassiers are my main interest it was interesting to read how you tackled the metalwork. This bust has just entered my “to get list”.


This is way beyond me but it has given me the urge to find a subject to have a go at NMM. Fantastic work.

I’m playing catch up on the WIP forum and I think you’ve done an amazing job on this fine busy. As First Empire cuirassiers are my main interest it was interesting to read how you tackled the metalwork. This bust has just entered my “to get list”.



great work again geoff. i love the way you have done the metals.


Thank you Guys
I'm pleased to have spurred you on to have a go Graham

Hope you have fun with the metals Huw, just remember not much paint on the brush and go lightly.

Pleased you like him Tony, the metals did take a bit of working out but dead chuffed the way they have turned out. they do like better in the "flesh" I don't have room for a lighting box on the bench.


That is an excellent result. I am most impressed with it. Superb painting.

At the moment I am working on a very old Rose 54mm figure version of the very same subject, and another Rose 54mm of a Life Guard officer with the bearskin headdress.
