75. Day, March 19, 2021
The final detail on the flowers our hero carries is the material in which the stems are wrapped.
First of all to explain what the flowers actually mean:
They are NOT intended for the graves of the fallen (so your title is not quite right Kev!), but the surviving veterans of the Great Patriotic War receive them to honor and recognize their achievements on Victory Day - mostly from children ...
There are always moving scenes, as the pictures above show!
The state is certainly helping to organize in the background, for example by mobilizing school classes - but it doesn't have to do much.
For many parents it is perfectly normal to take their children to these events that they have bought flowers for!
The events between 1941 and 1945 are to this day a social cement that also holds the post-Soviet countries deeply together - and in this way, the following generations thank the old men and women who gave their lives for this To save the country from barbarism.
The importance that the Great Patriotic War has for every single family (there is hardly a family that has not lost at least one member!) Should not be underestimated in the West.
And now the missing detail:
Our hero wrapped his flower stems in something. That can be normal wrapping paper ...
... some "Kleenex"-tissue...
... Foil ...
... or anything else that is at hand ...:
I decided that our hero wrapped his flowers in ordinary newspaper!
For this I got myself a copy of Moscow's largest daily newspaper
"Rossiskaja Gasjeta" on the Internet, of course on the exact date of the 75th anniversary of the victory (March 9, 2019) ...:
I scaled the newspaper down to the correct scale on the computer ...
... then with wood glue (which hardens clearly) ...
... attached in the right place and finally crumpled appropriately with toothpicks.
When glueing it on, I made sure that the newspaper title and the part of the headline with the "75th anniversary" are clearly visible - those in the know know immediately what they are looking at ...:
Tomorrow I will carefully age the "newspaper" with pastel chalk ...